Last day of Middle school

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A few weeks passed and it's my last day of middle school!

"Remember to thank all of your teachers!" My mom says as she pulls in front of the school entrance.

"I will!" I say before grabbing my backpack and leaving.

I give her a small wave before I head inside.

I walk to the special services office.

"Morning Y/N, I'm gonna miss you!" Ms. Ito says from her desk.

"Yes, I'm sad this is the last time we will see each other." I say formally as I walk by.

She smiles.

I walk into his room.

"Sup," I say as I place my bag on the ground.

"Sup? Is that really what you want to say to me on the last day of school?" He jokes.

"Fine, I will miss you Mr. Shio," I say as I slump into my chair.

I'm not ready for this big change. What will next year be like?

"I will miss you too, Mr . L/N, but not that attitude of yours." He teases.

"What's the plan for I today?" I ask

"Normal schedule for us. Home room then you go to English. I think they are having a party though so if you want you can stay here and draw." He offers

" yeah I don't need to deal with that right now." I tell him.

Several other kids walk in the room.

"Greetings Y/N, I'm sad we have to part." Kyan says.

Okay so basically I'm in my home room right now. Which is my social skills class. All the kids in this class are trying to improve their social abilities for one reason or another. Most of us are just autistic but we do have one girl with selective mutism.

I like sitting next to her cause she doesn't bother me when I draw.

"Hello Kyan, how are you?" I ask, not looking up from my desk.

"I just told you I was sad," he says, frustrated.

"Well usually people lie when they say that." I explain.

"Well I don't lie, and I really am sad that you're not gonna be at our highschool." He says shyly.

"Okay, well if you really are sad, then I can draw you something to cheer you up." I offer.

He smiles and nods his head.

I do a quick sketch of our favorite type of dinosaur. We both love triceratops's and we like talking about them. He is more into the fossils and environments and I'm more into the creatures themselves.

When I finish I turn the paper over and write a quick note.

"We can still talk even if I'm at another school." Then I write my number on the paper with a smiley face. "Just don't bother me a lot!" I write afterwards next the smiley face.

I hand it over to him and he admires the drawing for second. Then he turns it over and gives a small jump.

"Will do!" He says, then runs to his desk.

I turn to a different page in my sketchbook and start sketching the classroom.

Time skip:

After home room I decided to check out the English party. It seemed like a gross environment so I walked back to Mr. Shio's room and wait there for class to end.

During lunch, I ate outside with my usual crowd.

Kyan and Sora (the mute girl) and We all just sit under the large cherry tree and eat lunch in silence.

I was sketching some super hero costume ideas while Sora and Kyan were reading a book. They sat close together as Kyan read it out loud.

On a normal day I would be annoyed by them, but today I enjoyed it. The book they were reading was one of my favorites.

Called Wilder Girls, it's about a group of girls on an island boarding school who have to survive some weird virus called the tox.

It's super interesting and I love it cause the main characters are gay. I could tell from the start. I've read enough books to know when people are getting set up.

The classic enemies to lovers trope is probably my favorite. ( lmao bakugo)

Anyways, I was mindlessly drawing and half listening to Kyan, when Sora spoke.

"Y/N, can I get your number too?" She asks, a small, soft, gentle voice.

I am more than surprised. I've know Sora since 1st grade and not once have I heard her speak. Why now? Was it cause I'm leaving?

"Sure!" I say, trying to not bring any attention to situation.

"Do you want the drawing too? It's of a cat," I ask.

She nods.

I tear out the page and write my number on the back. Along with a smiley face.

"Your voice is enchanting, Sora." Kyan says.

My palm goes on my face.

Sora just blushes at his statement as I shake my head.

She gives him a small thumbs up before pointing at the book, urging him to read again.

Time skip:

My mom always picks me up from school. The bus is awful, I can't deal with the kids yelling, the smells, everyone smushed into each other. God I would have a meltdown if I have to do that ever again.

"How was the last day of middle school?" She asks as I drop into the front seat.

"Annoying, I had to give away several of my drawings because people wanted them." I complain.

"That was sweet of you honey." She says.

I roll my eyes and put my headphones on, signaling that I'm done talking.

Once we arrive home I just throw myself on the couch with a loud sigh.

"What's wrong?" My little sister asks.

"Nothing Emi, I'm just exhausted." I say as I make room for her next to me.

I didn't like the idea of having another sibling. I mean it's not like I'm an only child, but I was the youngest! The youngest of 5! And now I've been demoted to a middle child!

Emi is 4 right now, and she's really calm for her age. I mean she is related to me after all. I don't mind watching her, as long as my parents are home and I can go to my room at any time.

"Y/N, mama said you are moving schools after break!" She whines.

"Yeah I guess I am," I reply as I search through the television channels.

"I don't want you too!" She cries.

"Think of it this way, now you get to watch whatever shows you want, without having to wait your turn for two hours extra!" I say, trying to get her to stop crying.

"Not true, Aki is gonna make us watch stupid stuff, at least you watch cool shows!" She cries once more.

"Well you can still watch my shows, and I'm still gonna see you every night, just later than usual!" I say as she sits down on my lap.

"Fine," she says.

I find my favorite show and put it on. I've already been way to nice today. And no way am I letting Emi put on her shows!

Emi falls asleep on me, which is very uncomfortable in my opinion. So I lift her up and put her down next to me. She leans against me, half awake, then drifts off again.

I open my sketchbook and start sketching my costume again.

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