Back to the future

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I woke up this morning way to early. 4 am to be exact. I tried falling back asleep but nothing worked. So I gave up on that plan and grabbed my notebook.

I started doodling a semi accurate drawing of a tornado that may or may not have had Gary in the foreground.

I also decided to put on a playlist to help me decompress for the day.

Stim singing is quite useful to me but 5 am is to early to belt any of the songs I usually do.

So I decided to put my journal down and woke myself up more by dancing to the music instead.

But that got boring pretty quickly so I moved on to just getting ready for school and having an early breakfast.

I had finished my breakfast by the time my parents found their way into the kitchen.

"Up early aren't we?" dad teased.

"Yeah, I woke up at 4 and couldn't fall back alseep." I told him.

My mother walked up to me and stopped before reaching her hands out.

"Morning Hug?" She asked.

I nodded before giving in to the hug.

"I've taught you well." I joked.

She gave a slight chuckle before turning to my father.

"You too honey." She said as she embraced him.

"Y'all we're with each other all night! Isn't that enough." I groaned before making my way out of the kitchen.

"What have I told you about that. This is a PDA free household." I announced as I stuffed my lunch in my bag.

"When you pay for the house, you make the rules!" My father argued.

Like I'm gonna get a job that's enough to pay a mortgage.

I made my way back upstairs to find a pair of socks. I decided on a pair of  cream socks with dinosaurs of different colors scattered on them.

I shoved them on before adjusting the seam to not touch the bottom of my feet. Then I hurried myself downstairs.

I walked back to my parents before leaning on the counter in silence.

"Can we go yet?" I asked.

"It's 5:42 and you don't need to be there til 8:00." My mom said.

I groaned in annoyance before dropping my bag on the ground and walking over to the couch. I slump down and contemplate what I should do for the next two hours and 18 minutes.

3rd Person:

Meanwhile, Katsuki Bakugo was laying in his bed.

"Almost 2 hours til I have to get up for school and I haven't fallen asleep yet." He thought to himself.

He's always had trouble sleeping but at least yesterday he slept four hours. He'd be happy to get at least one hour of sleep in.

It's always hard for him to sleep when his parents are away. Once again they had forgotten to tell him they were leaving for a trip, and he had called 12 times to ask where they were with no response.

4 hours and a panic attack later, his mom finally told him that they were on a work trip for three days.

He thought that knowing that would calm his anxiety but it did the opposite. All he could think about was if they died in a car crash, someone shot them, someone was in his house trying to kill him.

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