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Midoriya POV:

Kachaan wasn't in class when I walked inside. I had just left the nurse and walked into the class.

"Deku!" Uraraka yells. Everyone turns to him.

"Hey guys!" I smile.

I need to find Kachaan. He was obviously angry. I don't need him making school hard for the both of us.

"Where's Kachaan?" I ask

"Bakugo? He just left. Why do you want to talk to him?" Iida asks

"I guess I want to make sure he's okay after the fight." I lie.

"Aw thats so sweet! Just be careful. He was pretty pissed after you left." Uraraka explains.

"I will!" I say as I dash out of the room. My arm is in a sling! Great! If I look weak compared to him then if he gets mad at me people will take my side.

I run all the way to the entrance.

"Kachaan!" I shout.

He turns around.

"Fuck off Deku." He mutters

"Kachaan, why are you so angry? I obviously only won because of Uraraka. You really should calm down." I complain.

He scoffs at me. Damn, whenever I try with him, he always gets like this. It's not my fault my friends bullied him. In fact it's his fault! They bullied me too for talking to him. He made life so hard.

"Calm down... after you fucking lied to me? You said you were quirkless. I don't know why I ever trusted you!" Kachaan yells.

"Kachaan calm down. Did you even take your medicine today?" I taunt him.

"If you ever mention that again!" Kachaan threatens.

"What? Are you gonna hurt me? I came here to make sure you were okay but like always your a big baby! This is why no one is your friend here!" I ask, now much angrier.

He looks away from me for a moment. Is he seriously gonna cry?

"Screw you! Just go back to your friends already and tell them how much I suck like you always do." Kachaan yells back.

I might of felt bad for him if he wasn't always a dick. A stupid dick with anger issues.

"Maybe I will, and maybe I'll say more than just that!" I threaten. Theirs plenty of secrets I know that I can spill.

He looks worried. I scoff as I turn away from him. Walking back in the school.

Kachaan it didn't have to be like this. You could have acted right. Been nice to people. To me. I'm better than him now. I may not have mastered this power but I have it. And now you have nothing over me. Nothing.

My thoughts are interrupted as I walk back in the class. "Defeat" on my face.

"Aw what happened Deku?" Uraraka asks.

"He got mad at me and said I'm useless if I can't even control my quirk." I tell her, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What? Really? I'm sorry, you were just trying to help!" She comforts me.

I glance out the window to see him with y/n. Their crying. Did he hear what I said? No not if he was crying right?

"Oh my god! What's happening out there?" Uraraka asks.

Everyone crowds around the window.

Whispers and gasps being shared.

Wait is Kachaan helping him pick up his things? Now I'm confused too. Kachaan was never that nice.

"Guys I'm sure he doesn't want us watching him like this. We should respect that."  I tell them.

They all stop looking at the window.

"Your right. But shouldn't at least one of us go and stop Bakugou?" Iida asks.

"Momo maybe you should go since you were their partner today!" Asui suggests.

"I guess I could." She offers.

No! Then they will know Kachaan didn't make him cry.

I quickly turn back to the window. Good they're leaving.

"I don't think he would listen to me but be careful!" I warn.

She walks out of the class and towards the entrance.

"Wonder what he said to them?" Aoyama asks.

"I don't even want to know." I dramatically say.
Milking the situation to the last drop.

I sadly sigh and Uraraka comes closer to give me a comforting hug.

Then they all give me a group hug.

"Thanks guys! Really."

"Kirishima what do you know about Bakugo?" Iida asks.

"I mean he's kinda distant and cold but he seems pretty chill." Kiri smiles.

"So then why would he do this?" Asui asks?

"Do what?" Kiri asks, standing up from his desk.

"He bullied Deku and y/n." Iida explains.

"Nah that doesn't sound like him, I'm sure it's a misunderstanding." He smiles.

"He's to cool to do anything like that." He chuckles.

A few of his friends nod along with him. No he's already got a group to back him up.

"And Midoriya how long has he known you?" Iida questions me.

"Since elementary." I tell him.

"Was he rude to you back then?" He asks. I guess he likes playing detective.

"Yeah until we were 9. I didn't get my quirk early like him. In fact I got mind a lot later than others and he used it against me." I told them, technically true, if I might add.

They look at me, wanting me to continue.

"He wasn't the nicest to anyone really, my friends and I tried to invite him to play with us but he thought he was better than us." I told them.

"Wow really?" Mina asks

"Yep" I tell her, " And he used my weakness against me. It got so bad that they had to move him to the special program so he wouldn't hurt anyone." I told them.

I remember when he was in that program. It was a good year for me. I didn't have to worry about him.

"Wow I'm sorry Midoriya." A few people said.

"That doesn't really sound like Bakugo." Kiri replied.

"But it was. Last year he. No never mind." I shrug it off, obviously they'll want me to tell them.

"What?" They all ask in unison.

"He told me to jump off the roof of our school." This did happen in fact, but they don't need to know the context. I just need to get Kirishima on my side.

The whole class erupted with anger and confusion, which soon turned into comforting words and apologies.

They will never believe him! If he tells them anything!

I never wanted this Kachaan! I never wanted this! But I'm not gonna let you get away with what you did that day!

I won't.

I'm sorry okay! I love the bully midoriya arc! It's so interesting to write and I like the perspectives.

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