Home Life

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Bakugo POV:

Like usual, my old hag still hasn't shown up to pick me up.

If she doesn't show up by the time everyone leaves, I'm gonna have to walk home. Just what I need after a long day at school.

"Blondie, wanna ride?" Someone asks.

I look up. It's Y/N. Why is he offering.

"My mom wants me to ask if you need a ride." He explains.

"I don't need pitty from anyone." I say.

"This isn't pitty, it's courtesy." He mumbles.

"Okay and?" I ask.

Why do people have to pitty me. Is it that noticeable? How weak do I look? Dammit.

"It's not that deep, people accept rides all the time." He says

He does have a point.

"Fine, whatever, better than riding with my old hag." I get my bags and follow them over to the car.

He sits in the front seat, so I get the whole back to myself.

"Where do you like Son?" His mom asks.


He tells us where he lives and we start driving there.

"That's pretty close to us, we the next block over!" My mom says, a little too enthusiastically.

"Thanks." He mumbles.

I think that's the first time I've heard him be nice.

"So are you and Y/N in the same class?" She asks.

Why does she have to make conversation with everyone?

"Yeah we are." He says.

"Great! Maybe you can help him make fr-"

"Mom! stop!" I interrupt.

Embarrassing! Oh my god! She always does this! I can make friends! It's just hard, and they end up leaving me anyways!

"Sorry sorry! I just want you to like school!" She adds

A face palm! That's what I do. My face is completely flushed! Pure embarrassment! This is humiliating.

"No one likes school." I hear Bakugo mumble.

"I guess at your guy's ages I didn't like it either." My mom responds.

We pull onto his street and in front of his house.

"Is this the right house?" My mom asks.

I am still utterly humiliated!

"Yeah it is, thanks ma'am!" He says, before getting out of our car.

"Y/N Go walk him to his door!" She orders

I decide not to argue.

I get out of the car and walk over to him.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

"My mom wanted me to, and I would rather not argue with her." I explain.

He nods before opening his front door.

I heard a loud banging sound and a yell.

"Katsuki is that you?! Get in here Right now!" A lady yells.

"Coming!" He yells back.

He turns to me with bright red cheeks.

"Thanks for the ride." He says, then closes the door on me.

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