The Alarm Bells are Going Off

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Two weeks into our term, and the school goes on lockdown. It's surprising to say the least. No news Outlet ever talk about Private Hero schools going on lockdown, it's usually the underfunded public schools that fall victim to outside threats.

As the alarm bells went off, the entire cafeteria erupted in panic. Shorter kids were getting knocked down, trays and food remnants littered the ground, and everyone was in a rush to get out of the cafeteria.

The group that I now sit with regularly was outside when the situation started to unfold. Mina and Denki had been sharing a fruit roll up that much like the food in the cafeteria, was discarded on the ground.

Steel walls on the other side of the courtyard started to seal off windows and doors, alerting us that we needed to get inside before the cafeteria doors followed suit.

"Leave your stuff, we'll get it later!" Kirishima instructed as Sero reached for his bag.

Bakugou was the last one inside, right behind Kirishima.

"Hey Bakugou, why don't you take longer next time!" Denki joked.

"Not the time for jokes!" Sero murmured

Bakugou scoffed,

"why would villains attack UA, the school full of  famous pro heroes and the next generation of pros?" Bakugou plainly stated.

"Are you suggesting that this is a test?" Mina asked

"I doubt it," I chimed in, an unusual occurrence to these new "friends".

They looked my way, startled.

"I mean, they haven't even given us proper instruction on how to handle a lockdown here. UA has strict security so it's most likely a random person or animal that stepped foot on campus accidentally."

Kirishima looked over me and then back at the empty cafeteria.

"So what does that mean? By the looks of the hallway, we'd have better luck staying here."

" the outer windows have been sealed but guessing by the light in the hallway, those are still open for some reason. The crowd is blocking our view of the entrance and assuming that our peers are smart, they would have seen the villain"

"So we stay here until an announcement is made, or the hall is clear?" Mina shoved a tray onto the floor and plopped herself down on the table.

"Well we should stay here, if  it's the real deal, villains always want to lure crowds to one area before attacking." Bakugou stated.

"I suggest we go hide in the kitchen area, it's way less open." Denki smiled

"That's just cause you're hungry." Sero shook his head.

"He's still right." Kirishima added.

Now here we are, hanging out in the kitchen for who knows how long. Still waiting for announcements to be made.

"Now I remember why I bring my own lunch." Denki sighed as he closed the last cabinet of unappetizing food.

"So like are we actually in danger or what?" Mina questions.

The noise in the hallways has died down and there seems to be no commotion. Yet the announcement hasn't been made and the alarm system is still fully in use.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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