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Bakugo POV:

I felt bad, but he just walked away. Across the pavement he sat, against the arched pillar. I copied him but on the other side of the pavement.  I looked at my phone for several minutes until I couldn't hear them cry anymore.

When I looked at him, he had switched positions and was now flat on the ground. I stared for several moments until he started hitting himself in the head.

I ran over to him and grabbed his arm. Was a villain controlling him?

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

No response.

"I'm sorry if I made you upset, okay?" I said as I released his arm.

He sat up and looked away from me.

"Hello, did you hear me, I'm sorry!" I repeated. I then saw him headphones laying a few feet away. So I walked over and picked them up.

"Here," I said, handing it to them.

No response. Just a nod.

"Listen. I'm sorry I was rude. It wasn't anything to do with you." He looked up at me.

"I'm just upset that I've been waiting out here for hours," I explain.

He nods again. But this time he stands up as well.

As soon as he turns towards me, my mom honks her car. Which makes the guy cover his ears and wince. I run over to the car quickly.

"finally!" I exclaim as I get in.

"Katsuki, who were you talking to?" The old hag asks.

"I wouldn't say it wasn't talking, a lot of just nods." I mumble.

"Okay, we'll they look nice," the old hag says as she gets ready to move.

But before we can leave the parking lot, a small knock comes from my side of the car.

I look through the window and I see the weird guy.

He gestures to his hand, which is holding my bag.

I open my window and take it from them.

"Thank you." My old hag says.

He just nods back.

I give him a small smirk and we drive off.


It was the blonde kid bakugo who had grabbed my hand.

He asks me what the hell I'm doing, but I can't respond. God I hate when this happens.

When I go nonverbal. It's embarrassing and annoying and I can't help it.

He asks a few more things but I can't really focus. Soon enough, I stand up, but almost immediately after, his mom honks their car.

He runs over to it, forgetting his bag and everything. I grab it and run towards his car.

Right as they are about to leave, I know on his window. He looks at me and then I gesture to his bag.

He opens his window and I hand it to him. His mom thanks me and I nod.

I swear he also gave me a small smile. Or an angry glare. Probably the second one. He doesn't seem like the type to smile.

Anyways I see my moms car pulling up as his leaves school grounds. I go back to my spot to pick up my things and I run over to my car.

"How did it go?" My mom asks.

I give her a 5 out of 10 with my fingers. She understands.

"Use your app." She tells me.

I open my phone and go to my dialogue app.

"My day was okay, some girl called me the r slur, and a blonde kid made me cry, but I also scored a lot of points." I type into my phone. A male robotic voice repeats the words out loud.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to talk to anyone?" She asks.

"No, I am fine, just really tired." I say through the app.

She nods at me as we keep driving.

Time skip:

Almost one week later, the letter arrives.

I waited all week for this to arrive. I couldn't stop talking about it ever!

"Are you gonna open it?" My dad asks.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous." I explain.

"Don't be, you'll definitely get in!" My mom reassures me.

I look up at her, then down at the letter.

I soon open the letter and then a hologram pops out from a weird circle.

All Might himself is talking. He makes a few announcements that I don't care about, before getting to the good stuff.

"Y/N L/N, we have sent you this message to notify you on your test results from last weeks US entrance exams." He says.

I just stare in shock.

"You tied for second with Kirishima Eijiro with a total of 74 points. With 74 villain points and 0 rescue points." He announces.

I look at the score board. The only other person who scored zero rescue points was, Bakugo. I  see he got first place.

Damn I wish I could beat him!

"You also topped everyone in the class with a score of 99 on the written test! Congratulations!"

Ok wow I thought I bombed the test. Good to know I guess.

As the hologram message ends, I start to dance a whole bunch, clapping my hands together.

My younger sister walks in.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

" Celebrating news!" I shout, before picking her up and twirling her around.

God, I can't wait to start at U.A. Even if people think I'm different, at least they also have things to deal with.

" Want me to get started on the paperwork?" My mom asks.

I nod and then take my little sister to the couch.

"Congratulations sweetie, we knew you could do it!" My dad says, patting my back.

"Thank you!" I respond.

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