Class and Lunch

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Third person POV:

Bakugo rode his bike to school the next day as planned.

As he locked his bike at the rack he noticed a few classmates walk inside the school.

One being the red haired boy from yesterday.

They met eyes.

"Sup Bakubro! Nice bike." The redhead yelled over at him.

"Thanks shitty hair." Bakugo retorted

"Ha nice one." He said as he jogged over.

"I'm guessing you called me that cause you forgot my name." He laughed.

"So what if I did." Bakugo mumbled.

"It's okay, the names Kirishima, Eijiro" he smiled.

Bakugo gave him a nod in return. Before catching a glimpse of y/n, who obviously didn't notice him back because he was to busy reading a book while walking towards the entrance.

"Whatcha starin at?" Kirishima asks, before following his line of vision to y/n.

"Nothing," Bakugo turns back his attention to the Redhead.

"Ready for todays activities?" Kirishima asks.

"Sure, I'm always ready. There's nothing this school can't throw at me." Bakugo says, trying to portray confidence that he lacks.

"I'm sure you'll do great!" Kiri hypes him up

Bakugo starts to walk away from the bike rack and towards the schools doors.

"Right! Don't wanna be late!" Kiri says as he tries to catch up with his new friend.

"So Bakubro, can't help but notice that you stared at the y/n dude earlier." Kirishima starts

Bakugo rolls his eyes.

"Do you guys like know each other?" Kirishima asks.

"No, atleast not before the entrance exams." Bakugo explains.

"So y'all friends or anything?" He asks.

"No kinda the opposite." Bakugo looks up to see if he's near them.

"I kinda think I made him cry at the exams," Bakugo scratches the back of his head.

"Really?" Kiri asks.

"I think. I got mad cause he wouldn't respond to me, I thought he was being arrogant and that he was too good to talk to me you know. So I yelled at him." Bakugo explains

"Aw I would probably think that too, I'm sure he'll understand if you tell him." Kirishima pats him on the back.

Bakugo stops in his tracks.

"Oh sorry dude, I won't touch yah again." Kiri apologizes

"No it's not that Shitty hair, it's just, people usually think I'm just an ass when it comes to this stuff." Bakugo tells him.

"What that's stupid, I'm sure they don't. Everyone has their moments man." Kiri shrugs it off.

"Now come on!" He grabs Bakugo by the arm and pulls him through the halls.

On the way to their home room, they once again see y/n talking to the man from outside the lunch room yesterday but this time in an office.

They both take note of it and keep going.

"Did you catch the name on the office door?"

"Hashito, Fuji I think. I didn't see what his office was for though." Bakugo tells him.

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