First Day

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I sit in one of the only open seats left in the class and I pull out my book.

I'm trying to read about the Anticyclonic tornado when I hear my name.

I look up to see some red haired guy talking to the blonde kid from the entrance exam. They are talking about the point scores.

Makes sense. I scored second.

"You and Y/N were the only two that didn't get any rescue points." The red haired kid states.

I guess it's socially acceptable for me to respond when I hear my name.

"It's more important to prevent more villains than saving one person and ignoring everyone else" I add in.

"Makes sense I guess." The redhead says. He turns around and looks at me.

I don't break eye contact with my book. But I can see his face through the corner of my vision.

"Yeah exactly," someone says, from the sound of their voice, I'm guessing it's the blonde kid.

"You have to weigh the pros and cons to each situation," I add.

I see the redhead nod from the corner of my eye. But before I even look up, the teacher slips a note on my desk.

"Speak with my after class. We need to talk." It says.

I put the paper in my pocket and continue reading.

"I'm Kirishima Eijiro," he says.

"Bakugo Katsuki." The other one mumbles.

"And you look more like a shitty hair to me." He states.

"Sure man," Kirishima says.

They both turn to me.

Why are they turning to me? Do they need something?

I look back down on my book, I guess we're done talking?

"What's your name?" Kirishima asks.

So that's what he wanted.

"L/N Y/N." I state.

"Oh so you were the dude that tied with me! Pretty cool!" He says.

"Whatever shitty hair, neither of you beat me!" Bakugo argues.

"Why would I want to beat you?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He looks angry.

"I mean what's the point of trying to beat you, they weren't grading who scores better than who, they were grading our tactics and how we can fight." I say.

He's obviously angry now.

"What about being number one hero, huh?!" He shouts.

What's with this kid and shouting?

" if I'm number one then great, but I'm really just here to save people, not being better than everyone else." I say.

Not completely true. I do want to prove myself. But being number one isn't important. As long as I can prove I can be any type of hero, then I'm proud of myself.

He slouches into his chair.

"That's a great way to look at it!" Kirishima smiles, then pats me on the back.

I tense up. I hate when people touch me!

"Class 1A, I'm Mr. Aizawa, your teacher! We are starting right now."

"Wow!" Someone shouts. It's the green haired kid from before.

"Deku! Shut Up!" Bakugo yells.

Damn this kid has serious anger issues. I should probably stay away from him. Kinda really loud, and drama seems to follow him.

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