Chapter 1: Demigods can be very stupid at times

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Also, all gods have reformed (except Zeus), but now possess only a little of their power.

Percy's POV 

I sat on the floor, feeling weakened and nauseous (as I do every day) when the prison door was opened. A blond kid, probably a son of Hermes, stood in the doorway. "Who are you?" the kid asked. I didn't say a thing. The kid kicked me. My mind filled with rage. "Who are you?" The kid asked again. Curiosity kills the cat," I mumbled humorously, "Now if you could only unchain me, then I would help you with whatever you need, whatever you want." "Y-you will?" the kid asked. "Yes, I will. Oh, I am not a Lier. I would never lie," I said in my most manipulative voice. The kid was either very brave and stupid, or he had fell for it, because he bent down and unwrapped the chain from my wrist. My power grew immensely within seconds. The kid seemed to realize what he had done. He disappeared from existence. I was finally free. I took the chain of Chaos and snapped it in half, then threw it at the wall. The chain shattered. I left the cell and climbed the prison steps. I opened the door to the dungeon and was blinded by the bright sun of Apollo. I cursed the sun god and flashed off of Olympus. I knew that Poseidon would give in and come to execute me, but HA! I won't be there. I had around 3 months to rebuild everything before I was discovered. I entered a specific apartment on the upper east side of Manhattan. The gods had probably murdered Sally Jackson, for her apartment remained empty, as if it were being renovated. But I wasn't here to say hi to my mom. I had lots of weapons stored in hidden places, just in case I ended up being the last demigod alive or something like that. That, of course, never happened, but I like being a dark lord more than a last-person-alive in an apocalypse. I found my stash under my old bed of which was untouched for some reason. It was only a few imperial gold spears and daggers, but at least I was protected. Mortals eyed me weirdly on the streets. I wondered what they saw me carrying instead of weapons. "I am removing the mist as soon as I become lord of the world," I muttered in annoyance. Some thunder rolled in the distance. This time, it wasn't Zeus playing with his toys. There was a large storm arriving upon the city. I didn't mind rain, and I never have. I used to be the spawn of the sea, and when water had fell on my head, I was getting an Infinite healing source. Though, it's healing properties were weaker than those of the ocean. I knew that I would also be left alone by mortals and Demigods, for they wrongfully hate the rain and would stay indoors.  I walked into central park and found the nearest underworld entrance. Hades and Hestia had been punished to such an extent, that they were now confined to the dungeon of Hades' own castle for they wished to not see their mauled faces any longer. The other Olympians took turns when taking Hades' place, and Hestia was forgotten, for no one believed in her element of power. I was met by some Olympian guards, and I cast them into the Styx, of which was nearby the hidden underworld gate. I took the same path as I had taken when I was 12 and met Cerberus at the gates of the dead. He growled at me, but he then backed up and whimpered as he felt my aura. I felt the familiar pull of the pit tugging me towards Tartarus. I followed the pull and found myself at the entrance of Tartarus. "Hey Tartarus! Have you missed me? If not, who cares! I'm coming on down!" I yelled. I jumped into the dark depths of the pit.

Nico's POV

I had been maintaining order in Tartarus for the last 10 years. I had made an army and sent out groups of 15 monsters to annoy the gods every day. Me and Will's relationship had become way more expansive than it was when Perseus had been captured. We had put a huge bounty on Bianca's head, and I actually agreed with it. I now fully understood what it was like to be betrayed, and I felt much empathy for the dark lord, Perseus. Bianca and I were so happy together, but she turned traitor. Anyways, Will and I were on a date when we were interrupted by a new presence in Tartarus. I could feel the aura of my master. Perseus Jackson had returned. Will and I shouted in glee and went to meet our lord. I saw Percy walking around the ruins of his old fortress. "So much hard work put to waste," He murmured. "My lord, we are most excited at your return," I said in my most dramatic voice. Will chuckled. Percy turned and grinned, "Hello, my old friends. I see that you are the first to acknowledge my return." "Yes, we must be. And we are quite delighted at this," Will said. "Good, but I am afraid that my old fortress is ruined, and it will remain this way till the end of days," Percy said. "Agreed," Me and Will said at the same time. Will giggled. "Now, we must start construction of a new fortress, but this time we will make it upon the surface of the world and ruin the surrounding lands," Percy said. Will and I nodded. "We will do so, my lord," I said. "Great! I will start construction on the surface!" Percy stated happily. Will and I smiled at him. "We will meet you here as soon as you are done," I said as Will and I started to go back to our date. "Nope! You are going to help me rebuild our army," Percy said. "Fine," I mumbled. Will and I went to the most monster populated place in Tartarus and began to work. Monsters were less common after so many of them died during the last battles of the first war with Olympus. Demons of Fire now resided in the Plegetheon, where they remained in peace. The other monsters stayed near the doors of death, awaiting the return of Perseus. "This is going to be a long day," I murmured.

Word Count 1087

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