Chapter 4: Bianca gets a new Punishment

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Percy's POV

After I finished with my monsters, I went again to talk to my captives. As I walked there, I thought of the times I had spent with Annabeth when I was a hero. I also thought of what she had done to me. It was the worst day in my entire life and would remain that way. I continued to walk down to the dungeons where Bianca, Annabeth, and Artemis currently resided. I eventually made it there after walking across my fortress. "The cursed one has arrived," I heard Annabeth whispered to Bianca. Bianca woke from her sleep and glared at me. "What could you possibly need, thrall," she scowled. "How would you like to be insulted and screamed at every time you were seen by me," I said to her. "Well, I don't have to deal with that because I actually have friends!" she shouted. My gaze softened at this, and I left without another word. I know I have Nico, Leo, and the Stolls, but they weren't really my friends. They were like helpers or indentured servants. Bianca had discovered one of my soft spots, so I needed to move her. I entered the dungeon once more. I took Bianca from her spot and chained her at the top of my fortress. I played a vision in her eyes about what was happening in the war. "You will sit here and watch as my plans unravel. You will see the deaths of your close ones, and you will feel their despair. You shall either sit here forever or pay me respect," I said. "You lie! You would never give freedom to your enemies, foul one!" She shouted. "You have made your choice. Bye, and I hope you can finally understand my pain," I said. I walked away, ignoring the insults and rude comments coming from Bianca. I returned to the dungeons and told Artemis, "I will cease your punishments for now." She looked up in surprise. I left the room silently. I went into the armory and started to craft a crown of iron. I embedded 3 diamonds into the spikes on it. It was soon finished. I set the crown on my head and sat on my throne. I eventually fell asleep to a dream of the preparation of the Olympians. Thousands of demigods were lined up and at ready to march forth to war. They all had celestial bronze swords, spears, and axes. Their shields were made of a white strong metal. The bowmen were in-between the spear/shield demigods. They would shoot the attackers while the others connected their spears and shields. I was very worried, for it seemed that the odds were against me. I awoke and left my bed. I was going to check on my prisoners. Annabeth was asleep, and Artemis was as well. Bianca was still chained, and she insulted me some more. Remember how I said I chained Bianca to the top? That is also where my throne is located. Therefore, insults and curses came at me the entire night. That really improved my mood. Nico and Will were on another date, and Leo and the Stolls were inserting shaving cream in Nico's bed. I was all alone with Bianca. "You deserve nothing of this great fortress! You probably just enslaved poor mortals to do it for you, and then you killed them!" I heard from Bianca's spot. "Bianca, how would you like it if I cut that chain and let you tumble to the bottom of this fortress?" I asked her. She was silenced. "What? No? I thought you would like to be a pancake," I said sarcastically. "No thanks," Bianca said. 

Bianca's POV

How come Perseus got a crown. He doesn't deserve anything he has, including his life. He had no right to threaten me. After all, I am his bane. The vision in my eyes started again, showing me the burning of towns and cities. My thoughts ceased, and I watched the vision for a long while. 

Percy's POV

I had just put in a TV, and was watching it nonstop. I moved Bianca a little lower, for I had not preferred her insults and screams. I had just finished watching the last movie in The Lord Of The Rings when I fell asleep. 

Time skip

Upon my awakening, I was met with the face of one of my guards. 'What do you want?" I asked. "Sir, you've been asleep for 3 days!" He exclaimed. "How long did I stay up watching The Lord Of The Rings?" I asked him. "That is besides the point. Go look outside!" I did just that. A huge army of demigods, nymphs, satyrs, gods, and dryads was stationed at the front gates. Inside the inner walls, monsters were scrambling about and preparing themselves. "Why did you not wake me up earlier! We are now under a siege!" I yelled at the poor guard. I took him, broke his body, and cast him down into the chaos. Once my anger passed, I went downstairs clad in dark armor. My archers were doing their best and shooting down the demigods, but they had set up camp a little too far for their arrows to breach. I went to the smithies and yelled at the poor monsters constructing  weaponry and armor. "Hurry up you fools! You are of no use to me if you are slower than Zeus when he's trying to solve a problem!" I continuously screamed at them. My anger had returned to me, and some monsters were about to feel my wrath.

Word count 932

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