Chapter 3: I test Olympus's stupidity... again

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Poseidon's POV

I practically gave up when I saw what Perseus had done in central park. A single day after escape and central park was in flames. I wasn't completely done though. I sent out our best fighters, whom are Annabeth, Artemis, and Bianca, to Egypt where I had found the new Fortress. I then flashed the 3 of them to the Nile.                                                                                        

Percy's POV

2 demigods and 1 god were running to my fortress from the Nile. Nico and Will had arrived with my army a day before, so I was protected. Archers were positioned on the wall, and swordsmen were behind the wall. Behind the second wall there were thousands of monsters at ready. I went to the first wall and cried out, "Fire, do not destroy." Arrows penetrated all 3 of the attackers. They collapsed. I walked unto the dark, flaming fields where the 3 of them lay. Annabeth chase, Artemis, and Bianca Di Angelo lay where they had been shot. "I am going to torture each and every one of you until my death. That is, if I ever die," I muttered. Bianca quickly unsheathed a knife and thrusted it into my leg. "DAM!" I screamed in agony. Bianca got herself a black eye. I dragged them across the ground and into my fortress (And I managed to drag them across everything sharp near me or in the way) and locked them up. I took the knife Bianca had stabbed me with and threw it into her leg. I then put on an iris message for the 3 of them to explain what happened the day I was Betrayed. I heard crying and words of sadness coming from that room for the rest of the night. Bianca was the only one not affected. When I came back to my Dungeon, Bianca yelled, "It's all a lie! You are trying to deceive us! Do not give in to his lies!" I laughed. "Don't be deceived by the one calling me the deceiver," I told them before shutting the door and leaving. That night, my dreams were a lot worse than they commonly are. I was brought back to the time that I was betrayed, and I watched it all over again. I felt the pain and hurt felt by my former self, but it seemed to be more effective than it was. My urge to dethrone the gods and obtain revenge increased gradually. I heard the insults and shouts of the ones I once called friends. I suddenly awoke feeling much mental pain in my heart. The scar they had laid upon my heart was hurting once more. I hated them, and I would forever more. 

Annabeth's POV

Perseus's fell beast came into the dungeon and did severe torture upon us. Bianca tried to defend herself, but it did not work, and she got the worst punishment, and was knocked unconscious. Perseus later came in. "Do not despair at your capture. You will get used to it! And if I'm paid enough respect, I'll stop the torture." "Lier! You would never stop! You are the definition of evil and darkness," I shouted at him. He looked down at me. Artemis muttered something about filthy males which brought Perseus's attention to her. "Shall I repeat myself. No disrespect, or I will increase the torment put upon you," He said solemnly before leaving us unto our own. Bianca woke up an hour later. "What happened while I slept? Have I missed anything of importance?" She asked. "Perseus came by and gave us an offer. He said that he should be shown respect, and if done he would stop torturing us," Artemis explained. "That was a lie," Bianca scowled, "He would never send us anything good." "Agreed," I stated. 4 hours later, Nico Di Angelo appeared in the doorway with his idiotic boyfriend. "Ready for your next session of torture?" He asked. "No," I replied. He tortured us anyways. When he left, I cursed the dark lord and his servants. Then I fell into a deep sleep.

Percy's POV

I looked down at my army. I felt proud of myself. I had upgraded all of the monsters' strength by pouring my power and Malice into each of them, and I loss no power in the process! I had at least 100 of every type of monster except the Arai, whom didn't like to serve anyone. I kept getting horrible nightmares, but they could only affect my mental state and that dam scar. Otherwise, I was living the perfect life. I connected the Pyramids to my Fortress, and now I think of them as the 2nd part of my fortress. I was currently breeding and multiplying my monsters. I had already increased my army by 1,000 in a single day. I knew that the 1st battle in this war was about to occur, so I was preparing for it. 


Word count 841

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