Chapter 16: The Great Siege

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Jason's POV

The army of Olympus had passed the Ural Mountains and were now in the middle of Siberia when they saw the tips of 8 volcanos, and a very tall fortress. One could only guess that this was the fortress of Perseus when they saw how ravaged and destroyed the area was. This was indeed worse than the Egyptian fortress, and a strategic area to put a fortress. Perseus had the high ground, and the air was bitter cold. If you were to step in the wrong spot, however, that would change very quickly. I looked beyond our settlement, only to see wasteland stretching for miles (and of course, a massive fortress) and the horizon. At first light, we began to move in.

Percy's POV 

I, on an outstretched and arched stone attached to my tower, looked far out, and pierced the shadows with my gaze. There, behind a hill, I perceived a bright, humanoid light. The bright lord had arrived indeed, and next to him stood a golden figure, shining with the same power. "That must be Zeus, "I thought. Before them stood many dimly shining men and women, arranged in the form of that of an army. I laughed haughtily. They probably thought they could get in unnoticed. What imbeciles they were. I turned about and went inside to gather my armies.

Another Time Skip sponsored by Kronos.

The demigods had already surrounded the fortress by the time I was ready. They had also managed to build some catapults in the process. Stronger than I had suspected. I gave the order to my troops to hang Annabeth's head on the front gate. Merely an act of disrespect to the enemy. Still, they built. From tall structures with ramparts meant to breach a wall, to towers of wood meant for archers. I laughed. I was going to give them time. After all, what's the fun in destroying them quickly?

Nico's POV

I had been called to the front lines to prepare for battle. I stood on a wall, archers at my side. Percy still had not given the order to fight, (which sounded quite stupid) for the demigods were only a kilometer from the wall. I then saw Zeus on a golden chariot ride out of the crowd, rolling over 2 demigods in the process. A flash of anger burned in my eyes as I remembered Will Solace's death. I was about to fire without the consent of the dark lord, when Leo Valdez came to me and said with a smile, "Greetings to you, lord of death. May I ask what you are doing?" "N-Nothing..." I stuttered, throwing my crossbow over the wall. Leo bursted out laughing, "Man, you must really hate Zeus if you are to disobey the lord's commands!" I scowled, "I hate him for a reason beyond the comprehending of your small brain Valdez!" Leo continued to laugh. "Leo was disrespecting Will. He is a disgrace to Percy's empire. He is a traitor!" I thought with a scowl. Another flash of anger, and Leo was on the ground, clutching his nose. I bent down to help, but he glared, and walked away. Losing Will was now hurting my friends more than myself. I let loose a sob, covered my face, and went into my room.

Time Skip for one week and 5 days.

Percy's POV 

Olympus had been camping outside by my fortress for 2 weeks by now. My monsters had been complaining to me directly, and my captains were REALLY bored. But before I could deal with any of this, I had to talk with Nico. I heard that he had punched Leo in utter despair, and that he had been in his room for a week. I reached his room and knocked on the door. "Nico!" I yelled, knowing he would not answer to petty knocking. No answer. I sighed and kicked the door in only to find Nico gone. "Is he a traitor?" and "Is he dead?" Were my immediate thoughts. I then found common sense and knew that he had left in anger. Not exactly a traitor, but a depressed runaway. I wondered how he got out with an enemy army surrounding the fortress. Leo then approached me. "My lord, the enemy has been attacked by an unknown force." I cursed. "That is where he went then."

Nico's POV 

I stood on a small hill, killing demigods almost every second. The sheer amount of them made me wonder how busy the gods had been with their spouses over the years of peace. I shrugged it off and kept fighting. 

Time skip to 5 hours later

I was getting weary now, and I was covered in red and gold blood. I was almost buried in the bodies now. Demigod determination was at an all-time high, however. They were the stupidest things I had ever seen. I would probably stay away from a being that could kill me instantaneously if I were a demigod. Then it happened. In distraction I had looked away, and next thing I knew a spear had pierced my abdomen. I fell, with a darkness taking my sight. The last thing I saw was the face of my master, scowling at me.

(Nico's not dead. Don't Worry.)

Percy's POV

I had teleported a quite injured Nico into the healing chamber. "Idiot!" I scowled. I healed him quickly. He would now have to rest for a week. "Well now he gets a week off. "I mumbled. I threw a book about plants at the wall in anger. "Why can't my captains be smarter? "I asked myself.

Jason's POV

"We have won, and destroyed Nico Di Angelo," I cheered to the demigods. The demigods gave a shout of joy. Now, one of our smartest demigods has put together a full report of the battle. "We killed one strong enemy and lost... 16,000 demigods." I said with distaste. The demigods began to panic. "Where is that captain! He tells lies! I order his execution!" I shouted, being restrained by three gods at once. "Should we flee!? "Asked a 7-year-old demigod. "Don't be a psychopath, No Of Course!"  "Y-Yes sir, "The demigod said, scrambling into the crowd. The demigods were running amuck, seeing fake doom before them. "STOP!!!"Zeus bellowed. The demigods all stopped dead. "What madness am I faced with. I am disappointed in each of you lazy demigods. Give me a real army and I will give 100 drachmas to each of you." Zeus shouted. That gave the demigods enough persuasion to get back into an army formation. "I also promise Elysium to all whom participate." Zeus said. They were now battle ready. I smirked. "Looks as if Zeus has grown a brain." I thought.

Sorry for not updating. School has been taking up my free time more than ever before. I will try to update more frequently from now on.

Word count 1111

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