Chapter 13: The Bright lord's first fight

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Percy's POV 

I sat on my throne in my new fortress. I did not know what to do until the time came for my plans to be achieved. I asked one of my servants "Nicely" to get me a mirror so I could observe the changes in my face. Once I got my mirror I looked and saw myself. I had lost my tan, and I was pale white. My eyes were as black as the void, yet the part surrounding my pupil was blood red. My eyes basically looked like little miniature Eyes Of Sauron. My hair was even darker than it used to be, but it still had that messy hair look to it. The door then opened, and Leo Valdez came running in. I did not expect my general at this hour for they are usually being idiots running around the fortress, or being the generals they are supposed to be and looking for weaknesses in Olympus's defense. "My lord, we were on an expedition to plan a march for the next battle, and we were ambushed by a man in a white cloak. We attacked with all we had, but he killed off all of our troops, leaving only me, Nico, Connor Travis, and Will. We would have won if it weren't for the fact that the man could teleport rapidly. I escaped with Travis, Nico, and Will. He managed to kill Connor." Leo choked on that last statement. I actually felt a tear leave my eye as I remembered Me and Connor's friendship that had lasted since the first day I experienced at Camp Half Blood. I stood up and said to Leo, "Where did the man go?" "He went west, to the Mountains," Leo answered. I unsheathed riptide (yes, now riptide was kept in a sheath, and not in the form of a pen. It looked scarier) and started out the door. "Where are you going?" asked Leo. "To teach an old friend a lesson." I replied calmly. I went into the forest surrounding my fortress. It was cold that night. It really fit to my liking, as it was around 14 degrees out there. When I reached the mountains, I made a campfire to lure Jason in. I sat next to it. One hour later, I knew Jason was watching me. I could sense it. He teleported behind me and rose his knife. I turned and disarmed his knife. He unsheathed his weapon. A sword and a shield. "Hello, dark lord. You are trapped here now. May doom befall you." Jason said. "I am not trapped here, for I see no other to attack me?" I then felt a sword point on the back of my neck. I slowly turned around. Connor Stoll stood there. "I was told you died!? Is Leo a traitor?" I asked. I was never killed; Leo was given the sight of my death. I have served Olympus all along." Conner said with a grin. I then grinned right back at him. "Well then, tell me how I am stuck when I can do this?" I threw down Connor's blade with my sword, Jason looked at me with sudden surprise. He then glared and teleported to my side and atempted to stab me. What a failure he was because he tripped on a branch and his sheild broke. I stepped on his back, grabbed his neck and tried to strangle him. Unfortunately, he shook me off and I just so happened to land on his broken shield, which included spikes. I was cut, but not badley. However I felt great pain. "Imperial gold," I muttered. The metal had turned against me when Poseidon disowned me. Now it caused me great pain. I stood up and swang my blade as quick as lightning. It cut throught the flesh (Or whatever he was made of) of the bright lord, sending a shock through my body. It seemed that he was composed of electricity. I began to get angry; therefore I grew in size. Until I was as tall as a pine tree. Now the fight turned for the better. For it seemed as if the bright lord was a shining star, beneath a massive storm. I changed my sword into a hammer with my sorcery to make it easier to hit Jason. I struck Connor, of which had been hiding behind a tree. He became the first human to fly without using an airplane (Or any other common way for flying.) However, I doubt that he landed very well, especially since the tree went with him. Anyways, Jason kept attacking my foot, and I decided that it was too annoying. I picked Jason up with two fingers and yeeted him at least five-hundred miles away. I had won this fight, but I did not know the future outcomes for my battles.

Poseidon's POV

Right after Bentley had arrived, Jason left to fight Perseus and test his skills. Bentley was given a humble home, and he complained that it was dirty. We told him to deal with it. Katy Gardener came to the throne room and said, "Lord of waters, Jason has returned!" "Bring him here," I replied.

20 minutes later

Jason entered the room. His cloak was covered in twigs and leaves. I started, "Wha-," "Don't ask me." That is when the conversation I planned to have, ended.

Nico's POV

Perseus left control of the fortress to me. He had also told me to hang Annabeth's head on the front gate. Why he told me to do so is unbeknownst to me. However, I did so, as he asked. I had then remembered that Perseus had told me to Burn the forest and melt the snow. I had asked why, and he said that it made his fortress look more like a fortress of the dark lord. Not a medievel castle. We finished in two and a half minutes due to my lord's insane amount of drakons. Perseus arrived an hour later. "Still doesn't look as hellish..." He murmured displeasingly, "I will fix that." He went to the top of his tower and rose 8 volcanoes around the stronghold. "Now it is as hellish as it needs to be!" The dark lord screamed to the world.


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