Chapter 15: The Red Sword, and Will's Shroud

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Jason's POV

I was talking to a demigod, when I got an Idea. I remembered The chain of Chaos. It had bound Perseus in the first great war. I remembered that it had destroyed his power; therefore if we beat it into a sword, could that kill him? I finished talking with the kid and went to the throne room of the gods. On display was the broken Chain of Chaos. Zeus had put it in a glass container when he returned, so that all could mourn the marring of the earth and the ruining of our innocence. Upon seeing it I felt despair wound its way through my body, from head to toe. I  broke the glass in secrecy and grabbed the chain. It quelled my power drastically. I barely managed to walk out of the throne room and into the forge of Olympus before collapsing and dropping the chain on an anvil. I wondered how the demigods got it into Tartarus and bound Perseus. I guess they were weaker; therefore causing their power to decrease less. I stood up after what felt like an age and beat it with my hammer. I constantly repeated the process of  heating and beating until a sword, polished and all, lay before me. It was light, surprisingly, and it seemed sharper than the great sword Riptide itself. I touched its tip and felt it cut my skin. My power seemed to fade from me as I strayed out of thought and time.

Time skip

In my dreams, I saw the fates knitting a simple piece of cloth. "He has defied our plan," Atropos mused. "Indeed, he must be destroyed," said Lachesis. "I think naught, he is a master of his own fate, in a way. I want to see this play out," Clotho said. "Bah! He will destroy us if we don't kill him," said Lachesis. "It is not for certain that he will die if we try to kill him." Clotho stated. They started fighting in a full blown argument until Clotho hushed them. "He is watching," she said. "We know you are here, Jason grace, if you do anything with that sword, you will PERISH!"

Time skip

I awoke in fear. The sword lay next to me on the hard stone floor. "I think I will use this sword," I thought. I sat up to see an army marching past the forge. "What?" I thought. I went out the door to see Zeus at the top of Olympus laughing haughtily. "Go forth to end the dark lord, and reclaim the Earth. I saw that he now wore a crown of gold atop his head. He held the master bolt in his right arm, holding a shield in another. Then Zeus's chariot rode beneath the king of the gods. Zeus hopped in and flew off. I went to the front of the army with the red sword in my hand, and I marched with them.

Percy's POV

I stood before a fire with Nico. The body of Will Solace was set gently atop the flames. Nico stood forward and spoke, "Forever I have had a love for Will Solace, son of the dreaded god Apollo, and he died valiantly fighting the enemy of our great kingdom. Will saved me in the process, and if not for him I would not be here as of right now. Forever he will live in my heart." I strode forward and gave my speech, saying, "Will was a very honorable man, and he served me through all my years, and he did not abandon me for the treacherous gods of Olympus." I stepped back. That night, after all were asleep (Save myself), I saw the smoke darken, and the fires reach into the sky.

Annabeth's POV

I loved my new form, being within the body of Connor Stoll. Now I could deceive the dark lord into promoting me as king of the darkness, eventually ruling all light as well. I was already passing through Voronezh by the time I was intercepted by the army of Olympus. "Connor Stoll!" One yelled, "He is here to kill us!" "Wha... No!" I cried. Jason tried to stop them, but to no avail. I ran to the forest behind me, and a throwing knife shaved off my ear. Blood erupted from the wound, and once I got away, I was forced to treat it. Fortunately, I felt no pain, for Connor felt it in my stead.  "So, Annabeth Chase, what brings you to these lands?" I heard from behind me. I saw the Bright Lord standing there. "I thought it might be best to sneak into the great fortress of the Dark Lord as "Connor" and send information from the fortress. Perhaps even assassinate one of Perseus's minions."  I replied. "I should have thought of this before. Well then, I shall send you there. Goodbye, Annabeth Chase." Then a bright bluish light enveloped me, and I saw the front gates of the dark lord, with my old head hanging from it.  

Shorter Chapter this time, I apologize for this.

Word Count 842

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