Chapter 18: The Final Fight...

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Percy's POV

I opened my eyes from a long nap. We were in a boat rocking side to side. The sound of thunder was audible in the distance. I could only think of the mayhem going down in Olympus. What partying must they be having up in Zeus' Bedroom. A weird gooey blob of a monster slid into my room. "A report from Our spies, My Lord. Bentley Jones is the one who has attacked you, My Lord, "It wailed, "And he has become King of Olympus!" Now I knew things were getting crazy up there. That Probably also explained the Thunder. The Boat began to rock a lot harder. "Leave... Creature, "I coughed out. The blob left, and my moppers quickly began to mop the mess. A loudspeaker from the upper floors of the boat rang out, "We will be disembarking in New York City in 5 minutes." I rolled out of my bed and managed to equip my armor. I stumbled to the deck. It was pouring out there. Waves as tall as Giraffes were splashing into our Warship. Lightning struck nearby. Leo walked out next to me. "This doesn't look like the average weather in New York. "He Questioned. "Looks like Bently Jones to me. "I replied.

Jason's POV 

Bentley Jones was on top of Olympus trying to move it above his old house. He made a thunderstorm instead and sent it out towards the ocean. I sighed. Bentley really needed to learn how to be a god. But I really didn't care, after all, he killed Perseus and made life easier for me.

Connor's POV

I sat in a cell shivering and hoping. Hoping that Perseus would arrive to save me. I was beaten and tortured practically every day, and it wasn't getting any better. The fact that I was even still alive surprised me. I wondered if Perseus was even still alive. Annabeth strode into my cell, smirking. "Today is your lucky day Connor. You have been invited to a party! "Annabeth said. I could practically sense the sarcasm. "We will be giving your life to the almighty, Bentley Jones! Now, To The Guillotine!" I was marched towards the throne room of Olympus, every step feeling like Hell. The Demigods spat at my feet and continuously tried to trip me. I saw the guillotine up ahead of me. I knew it was over. I tried to use the powers Perseus gave me, but they had stabbed me the dam Red Sword. They strapped me to the devise, and I shut my eyes and braced myself. Annabeth had her hand on the lever. My life flashed before my eyes and then... an explosion shook Olympus, Annabeth collapsed to the ground with everyone else. I looked around in confusion until my eyes fixed on a figure in the distance. It was none other than Perseus Jackson himself.

Percy's POV 

I strode forward with what little strength I had left. My army encircling the throne room. "How, how are you alive! "Jason gasped. "Don't worry about him. He isn't even immortal anymore. Plus, you have me on my side, and I am the best, "Bentley boasted, "Now Kill Him!" My army and the Army of Olympus clashed. I stumbled through the crowd, towards the throne room. 

Nico's POV

I stabbed a demigod and slashed another. I was on a roll, with 200 kills already. I saw the dark lord stumbling through the crowds of monsters and demigods. I knew he wouldn't make it on his own, so I stepped in to help. I killed every enemy in front of him, took hits for him, and blocked incoming strikes. Percy whispered to me, "Stay here I am going around." I complained, but he insisted. "If I don't come back in an hour, retreat. "He said before running towards the throne room.

Percy's POV

It was time. I limped into the room only to find Jason himself, the bright lord, defending a clearly visible Bentley Jones hiding behind the throne. "It is over Perseus, surrender and your death will be painless." I unsheathed Riptide. "Not today, "I said. And the fight began. Jason Held a spear, at least 12 feet long, and it was glowing like it was made of Moonrock. He also held a shield, made of a golden substance. That is something nobody was getting through. Not to mention the fact that he was at least 3 times his regular size.  I weakly slashed at him, he easily blocked. He jabbed at me and got my left arm. The pain was almost unbearable, but I did not surrender. I slashed again, cutting through Jason's spear. Jason then promptly kicked me to the ground. He then held his spear shaft against my chest. "You put up a great fight Perseus, but it was to no avail, hope you enjoy Tartarus, and of course, tell Gaia I said hi. I then, in one swift motion, picked up riptide and slashed through Jason Grace's Neck. Red blood splattered all over me. Jason's power seemed to flow out of his body and into me. I felt a sudden surge of strength and power, and I pushed Jason's dead body off of me. I stood up, and all of my wounds healed. Bentley then attempted to run away, and I outstretched my hand. He was pulled back to me. "I-I-I didn't mean to- I-I-It was on accident. "He stuttered. "Bye Bye, "I replied, Stabbing him in the middle of his face, right under his nose. More blood flew all over me. I saw that the Red Sword was sheathed poorly on his side I picked it up, and it dissolved. All of my powers were returned.  I laughed. I had almost forgotten how great it felt to be powerful. My army then stormed through the main gate expecting resistance, but then saw me standing next to the bodies of Jason and Bentley. Nico Brought out the Prisoners we had captured. Zeus, Poseidon, Annabeth, and a lot of other demigods. I knew just how to punish them. "All of you prisoners are to be tied up, and Annabeth, Poseidon, and Zeus are going to be eating the other demigods and gods, bite by bite. After that, we will hang you three alive from Olympus, by the feet. Zeus, you will also be eating your son Jason. Poseidon will be Eating Bentley. Anyone who does not abide to these rules will be tortured for Eternity. The monsters who have helped me so much in my efforts can eat the creatures of Olympus, like the Satyrs or the Harpies. The demigods that helped me will be paid 1000 drachmas each. Any objections? "There was no answer, "Then let this ruling be carried out!" The three immortals were strapped to a chair, given a fork, a spoon, and a plastic knife, and forced to eat demigods. Oh, how the screams and the crying were wonderful. I lost count of how many times Annabeth said sorry. The gods seemed to keep quiet though. I approached the table where Annabeth tried to stab me with the knife. She was promptly whipped. "You get what you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit. "I said with plenty of sarcasm. The hoard of monsters surrounding me laughed. I knew I had won and that it was over. I smiled and returned to my room, where I began to draw out my plans for the future.

Word Count 1241

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