It Was Fifty Shades of Grey on Audiobook Awkward

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Hello, loves! It's time for another update:) And another shirtless boy!! :O Grab your fans, girls, you're gonna need 'em once you scroll down. That's Oliver btw. And he's taken:P Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

4.] It Was Fifty Shades of Grey on Audiobook Awkward

The taxi deposited me on a corner of the city surrounded by buildings that towered far above my head. I was standing on the sidewalk in front of a brick building with a dark green awning extending over the cracked pavement at my feet. The building across the street was slightly shorter than those surrounding it and was topped with a black and white billboard that was in desperate need of a paint job. The other buildings were all dark, except for a few windows here and there that had lights on, dimmed by the curtains that hung in the windows.

As a stray cat wandered down the street, its orange tail swaying back and forth, I wondered if maybe I had the wrong address. I chewed my lip for a moment, jumping when the cat brushed up against my bare legs. It sauntered around for a moment, circling me with its tail continuously brushing against me. It quickly became bored with me, slowly slinking its way across the pavement until it wrapped itself around one of the chipped gold poles that extended from the pavement to the awning. After rubbing its back against it, it circled once more before taking a seat, its tail still moving as it watched me with unblinking yellow eyes.

Deciding that maybe I should ask the cabbie once more for directions, I turned around and found it gone. Blinking at the empty road before me, I shifted uncomfortably, the heel of my Louboutins getting caught in a crack running through the pavement. Shaking my foot free, I turned back to the building before me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. With a deep breath, I began to make my way under the awning.

Through the revolving door, I could see dim lights reflecting off of the floor. I paused right before the door and glanced to my right where the number 1565 was written in gold across the brick facade. Glancing down at the paper in my hand once more, I noted that it was the right number. With the paper now crumpled in my hand, I stepped into the little space and began to push the door.

I tried to make my exit into the foyer as gracefully as I possibly could. Unfortunately, I stumbled only a little as I slipped between the door and out onto the black and white tiled floor. I didn’t venture very far from the door as I took a moment to inspect the room that I had just stepped into.

A desk sat off to the right, two potted plants setting on either end. The top of a desktop could be seen from the doorway, but the there was no attendant standing behind it. The black and white tiling extended to the far walls, where a gate was pulled across the wooden doors to what I suspected was an elevator. Busts of people that I supposed I should have known were scattered throughout the room, standing on either end of a red loveseat that was pushed against the wall to the left. A large mirror hung above it, reflecting a painting of a river that was hanging adjacent to its reflection.

“Hello?” I called, only daring to venture a few steps in. I wasn’t sure what it was about this place, but something seemed off.

I was met with nothing but silence. Taking a few more deep breaths, I began to slowly cross the foyer. As my heels clicked against the floor and echoed in the empty space all around me, I wondered if I was the only one in the beginning. A nervous prickle took place at the back of my neck as I continued walking towards the desk with no sense of direction or destination.

I was almost to the desk when a binging noise drew my eyes to the far wall. I watched as the elevator doors slid back and then a hand reached through to push back the gates. My eyebrows raised considerably when a very attractive boy stepped out. He didn’t seem to see me as he walked further into the foyer, for he kept glancing over his shoulder.

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