He Made Her Yell Her Own Name

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46.] He Made Her Yell Her Own Name

I suspect that sometimes, fate doesn’t want to be noticed. It works so hard to make sure your attention is turned the other way so it can slip through the crack in the door. It waits until your back is turned, your thoughts and feelings are invested in a completely different situation before it decides to set you straight. However, fate isn’t always as sneaky as it hopes to be.

Sometimes it gets caught.

When you catch fate in the midst of its plan, it only wants to slip back away. Most people never catch fate in the act and that’s because when you do, you begin to expect fate to take care of all of the hefty decisions in your life. You begin to stop caring, thinking that fate knows what it’s doing and whatever you decide is obviously what was planned for you.

That’s not the point of fate, though. It’s not there to give you the easy way out. Fate is simply there to help point you in the right direction, give you glimpses of who you’re supposed to be. Once you begin to rely on fate, it’s no longer that. It’s actually just you, kidding yourself into believing that it’s actually fate pointing you down the right path.

Another thing that is completely strange about fate is that sometimes it makes you feel as if you’re headed down the completely wrong path. You somehow seem to have ended up on the path that isn’t beaten down with footsteps. It’s dark and the wind is whistling in the type of way that it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand in fright. You can’t see what lies at the end of the road and the entire time you walk forward, you want to go running back to where the road split into two. That’s the part where fate becomes confusing. You can’t figure out why fate would ever want you to travel down that road where you had to tread carefully in fear of attracting the worst of the monsters that thrive in the darkness and was constantly tormented with the thought when it would all be over.

Love it or hate it, fate has a great deal of control over our lives. Sometimes it fools us into thinking we’re headed down the wrong path only to pull the darkness away and replace it with sunshine. By the time we reach the end of the road, the fear that had wrapped itself around us the entire way there is gone and we’re left feeling like an idiot. At the very end may not be all of the answers, but there’s at least a hint as to where you’re to go from there.

I didn’t know what exactly I was supposed to be doing the night that the dinner party rolled around. Apparently, it had been a Jessamine tradition for years, one my father had been impatiently waiting for the time which I could join him. Since it had always been part of his dream to have one of us girls attend the dinner with him, he was hosting it in our house, in the large formal dining room that sat off the west wing.

After hours of primping and prepping in hopes that I would make a good impression on the other people attending, I finally stood at the bottom of the steps, making small chit-chat with one of the girls who had accompanied her father, who was the CEO of some computer software company that I couldn’t pronounce the name of. She was almost too brilliant for me, speaking in large words and then smiling, as if she thought I would actually understand the gibberish that was coming out of her mouth. Rather than make a fool of myself, I just nodded, a smile plastered on my face as I caught sight of my mother brushing through the kitchen, picking up one of the appetizers from a silver platter and popping it in her mouth. As she turned on the heel of her pumps, she caught my eye and gave me a small smile.

I had never confronted my mother about what she had forced Ci and Milo to go through. As far as I knew, she had no idea that it was all just a set-up, that they were both seeing each other secretly in the middle of the night. Now that they were “broken up,” my mother was as almost too happy with the spike in ratings once more.

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