Shit Just Got Weird

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A.n: So, I know I said that BEFY would be over within two weeks. I was rereading the ending the other day because I was trying to work on the spin-off novel and I realized that I have this really bad tendency to rush the ending of my novels. Because I don't like feeling that this would be rushed (I had originally edited out chapters I had written in the first ending of this second version, which left me with ten to post) I put the scenes I edited out back in. So, that means good news:) You'll get to read the now "extended version" of Bad Enough for You and experience some of the filler chapters that I wrote purely for my own enjoyment:P I hope you don't mind putting up with more Eli, but I promise that the things that are about to happen include something that you're all waiting to happen, some clearing the air concerning that file and what has happened to it, plus some more Ci and Milo, not to mention the whole part where Adrienne's world comes crashing down will be exciting. 


Also, if you're interested in seeing Eli before BEFY, you should definitely check out The Boys You Do. He has more of a role in it than I had ever really planned. So, yeah, that's it, I think. Just remember to vote and comment. It means a lot to me:)

27.] Shit Just Got Weird

I tended to think that alcohol was the solution to my problems. Sometimes I allowed myself to get so washed up in the chemical reaction that my body was having to the alcohol that I really did feel as if my problems were gone. My mind would be completely cloudy, but everything, especially the future, seemed bright like a sunny day in the middle of summer up on the cliff: you could see for miles and miles out over the sea and sometimes it felt like it was never ending. I didn’t mind the optimism that washed over me in those moments, little spurts of unclouded joy and excitement for what lie beyond this night.

It wasn’t until I crashed, when the numbness faded away and I woke up with my face in my own drool and a thudding headache that I remembered that I honestly didn’t care for getting drunk. Unfortunately, I was one of those people who had no self-control and when it came to any sort of escape that would get me further away from the problems at hand, I would take it. The worst part was that during those moments in which I was so far gone from the world, I honestly thought that my problems would fix themselves by the time I woke up the following day.

Of course, that didn’t actually happen. While I was drinking away the problems I was ignoring in hopes that they would fix themselves, they were only increasingly getting worst. The number of voicemails from my father was beginning to grow, the little red number changing above the phone icon every so many hours. Along with the phone calls that I was missing because I had lost my phone somewhere in the past twenty minutes, I was also missing the text messages from the people I had thought forgotten me this summer.

Since my phone’s whereabouts were unknown and I was currently caught up in the hottest dance of my life, I had no concerns in the world. My empty bottle of Mike’s Hard Lemonade had been stolen from the hand that was draped over Bradley’s shoulder, but the person who had done the snatching had kindly replaced it with a full one. I had one free hand slipping up under his t-shirt, fingers trailing across the tattoos that I knew lingered beneath his shirt, vibrant colors twisting together to form some sort of scene that I would ask him to explain several times later on in the evening when he had removed his shirt in order to do body shots.

I wasn’t sure why I was dancing with Bradley to begin with. I couldn’t retrace my steps of the evening up until this point, mostly because they had started with one Mike’s and now I was on my fifth, plus the assortment of shots that I knew I did, but couldn’t remember doing earlier. By this point, I wasn’t such of a lightweight. I could handle more alcohol, my mind staying clear for longer before I lost track of everything that was happening.

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