Drunk Naked Twister

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The picture to the right is of Callie...And if you're interested in knowing more about her/Eli/Avery/Nadine/Genevieve/Leroy (I think that's everyone I mentioned in this chapter) then check out The Boys You Do. They all have pretty major parts in it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the prologue. Please? Haha

31.] Drunk Naked Twister

I couldn’t help but be jealous of the relationship that Avery and Eli had. Though I quickly understood that they had been friends for quite some time, everything about their relationship seemed so natural. Eli would make fun of something about Avery, whether it’d be her recently dyed hair or the way she talked and Avery in turn would comment on Eli’s sleeping habits. Everything was done in such a light-hearted manner that I couldn’t possibly help but to smile and laugh along at their banter.

We had gotten a booth on the opposite side of the dining room from the windows and were snuggled in the corner beyond the bar. Avery had taken a seat across from me while Eli had slid into my side, his arm automatically lying across the back of the booth. Whenever I moved my head, eyes sometimes slipping to where Aiden was standing behind the bar pretending to wipe out glasses when he was really texting from inside his apron, I could feel Eli’s arm brush against the back of my neck.

It’s always weird being the person on the outside of the conversation. I finally understood why people weren’t exactly excited about meeting their significant other’s friends. That’s the moment when they realized that there were people who knew them better than they did. There was more history between the friends, names and places described that the other person couldn’t even possibly begin to understand until they went back to that place.

Avery and Eli both tried to keep me up to speed with who or what they were talking about, Avery usually stopping mid-sentence to tell me about a time where Eli had done something incredibly stupid. I found myself laughing along with Avery about past times in Eli’s life that I could truly only be a stranger to.

“You know, Eli,” Avery raised her eyes from where she had been quickly checking her phone. “Everyone at home misses you a lot.”

“Of course they do,” Eli rolled his eyes, as if he had always known that the people from his past missed him. “I’m a freaking sex god. What are they doing without me?”

“Well, being that you and Leroy never had sex, I’m sure he’s missing you because you’re his best friend.” Avery shook her head. She ran her finger across the touch screen of her phone before she reached across the table and pointed to the picture there. It was a picture of six people, each of them almost too attractive to be high school seniors.

“Where was this taken?” I asked as Eli leaned across me, his fingers dancing across my shoulder as he looked at the picture, an admittedly fond smile crossing his face. I looked at him while he was looking at the pictures and I suddenly felt as if there was a different side of Eli I hadn’t seen before. He was actually smiling slightly, eyes shining as he looked at the picture and it was almost as if I could see the memories swimming in his eyes.

“This was our senior trip.” Avery said. “There was a big group of us from Evansburg and the next town over that went to Callaghan, North Carolina for a week.”

“We spent that entire week wasted and drove all the way back home hungover.” Eli looked up from the picture to grin at Avery. “And I’m pretty sure that we only had to stop a thousand times on the way back because somebody had to throw up like a million times.”

“Hey, Genevieve had it worst than I did!” Avery laughed. “She’s the one who threw up in your shoe that weekend.”

“That’s Genevieve,” Eli said, pointing to a beautiful brunette at the front of the picture. She was wearing a small orange bikini with a white flower on one boob, her brown waves falling over her shoulders as she was caught mid-laugh by the camera.

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