Sounds Like the Name of Your Future Baby Daddy

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29.] Sounds Like the Name of Your Future Baby Daddy

My behavior as of lately was most certainly questionable, rendering me incapable of figuring out who exactly I was. I wasn't chasing the dreams that I had convinced myself into having, nor did I begin to look for. I had completely forgotten about the approaching end of summer, how fast the days were flying past, how there was no way to stop time. This time was to figure out who I was, but I hadn't done any of that. In fact, the only thing I had learned in this past month was that I was a horrid drunk and my only plans for the future involved getting into Eli's pants.

In the time that we had spent walking from the apartments to the convenience store, I had almost finished off an entire bottle of Grey Goose. My walking was at a permanent tilt, the four a.m. city lights swirling around my head as I mumbled under my breath, trying to keep my footing. Angeline, who was only just aware of the amount that I had been drinking, was eyeing the way I was wobbling on the curb. Her lips were pursed, eyes narrowed in the darkness as we continued our journey onward down the empty street.

"You know what, Angeline?" I looked to her as I placed one foot in front of the other, trying my hardest to line my feet up heel to toe, almost falling into the street several times. As cars drove past, the breeze that followed them whipped my curls into my face, stinging against my skin as they tumbled from the impact and blew behind my shoulder. With both of my arms extended on either side of me, I felt as if there was enough wind force, I could be picked up from the ground and soar.

"What?" She was still eyeing me warily, almost as if she was going to reach out any second and save me from falling over. I didn't bother trying to look at her as I kept at my slow pace, occasionally stopping in order to take a bite of the cheeseburger that was half-wrapped and waiting for me to take a bite.

"I think I'm screwed." I told her, deciding that this was a time to take a bite of my cheeseburger. I was still walking forward, no longer trying to line my feet now that my attention was in the glorious hunk of meat in my hand. She didn't say anything, just continued to walk beside me with her hands shoved into the pockets of her leather jacket.

"We have the same problem, you and me." I said around a bite of cheeseburger. I could feel a few pieces of lettuce falling across my lips, but I was too busy trying to walk and talk at the same time to figure out how to get rid of it. "I mean, my father has a lot of money. He basically has a freaking empire of hotels and resorts. He could hire the best college graduate out there who would do just as well in the position as he did. Sure, maybe it wouldn't be family anymore, but I don't want to do it! I mean, do I look cut out to run a hotel chain? I don't even have any control over my life."

"Seriously," I said, finding that breathing was really beginning to become a problem. Stopping at a streetlight in order to catch my breath, I took another bite of my burger and swallowed hard. Before I had time to even begin digesting, I picked up where I had left off, leaning my back against the streetlight to look at Angeline over the ketchup smeared wrapper. "I just broke up with my boyfriend of four years. Four years we've been together and it took me less than an hour to get over it! Not to mention the fact that he was fooling around on the side with my best friend. And now there's this other boy. He's just so hot-"

"Are we talking about Eli?" Angeline cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, we're talking about Eli freaking Dunn." I grumbled, tearing off another bite of burger with my teeth. Tucking the chewed up bits in my cheek, I spoke around it. "And you know what that sounds like?"

"It sounds like the name of your future baby daddy." Angeline grinned, poking her tongue through her lips at me.

Recoiling at the very idea of having children with that boy, I tossed my half-eaten burger on the ground. "What?" I screeched. "Eli and I aren't even sleeping together! He doesn't do commitment! He just likes to fuck with my mind and make me think he feels one way when he couldn't care less about me. I mean, come on, Angeline. You heard that blonde. They had plans for a blow job!"

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