You Know More About Her Vagina Than Her Personality

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Thanks to the lovely Noelle for the amazing banner to the right!

11.] You Know More About Her Vagina Than Her Personality

This routine became like a drug. When I first attended that party, I wasn’t in it for good. I was going to rebel once, going to feel whatever it was that Georgia felt when she escaped the house and came to the apartments. Unfortunately, what I didn’t realize was that it was far too easy to get caught up in everything that the complex was.

It wasn’t just a bunch of rich kids partying until the sun came out and then returning to their everyday spoiled lives. No, it was about getting away from the demands of parents. It was about getting away from the people that everyone categorized us as. Even more than that, it was about us losing ourselves for a night to forget about the problems that people didn’t really even seem to realize that we had.

I became addicted to the apartments quicker than I would have liked. That first night there was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Amongst the smoke, the bodies, the sex in the air, I finally felt free. There wasn’t anything there that could stop me from being whoever I wanted. I liked the way that the rebellion wrapped around me like a blanket in the cold and then reached its hands out to me, swallowed me up and allowed me to thrive in a way I had never done before.

That first morning, though, I felt the side effects of everything I had done the night before. I couldn’t remember it all, just flashes of me doing things that I never thought I would. If I remembered correctly, there was a point in the night in which I had grabbed some guys balls. Goodness, was I going to have to shower away the memory of that horrific moment.

I groaned into my pillow when the throbbing in my head became so painful that the only thing to do was to wake up. It took a lot of effort to pry my eyes apart against the pillow and at first, in the after effects of my inebriated night, I momentarily believed that I had gone blind. With my face pressed against the black pillow case, I couldn’t put two and two together to understand the fact that I wasn’t blind, I had just forgotten to removed my face from the pillow.

Of course, I freaked out and my elbows, which I had been lying with my hands pressed against my collarbone and arms out like chicken wings, flew upwards. On either side of me, there were simultaneous groans. As my elbows collided back with the mattress, I froze. I blinked my face against the pillow, wondering if maybe I had imagined the noise. At first, I thought it was all okay until someone spoke.

“Ah, fuck,” I closed my eyes, hoping that whatever was happening was across the room and not in the bed with me.

“Bradley?” As a second voice that sounded particularly male, I groaned again into the pillow. 


“Guys, could you keep it down? I’m sleeping over here.” A third voice had joined in on the conversation.


“Why does this always happen to us?” The person to my left fell back on the pillows beside me. I froze where I was, holding my breath and not wanting to move. Hopefully they would get a severe craving for something and all three of them would leave. I mean, it wasn’t all that much of a big deal, but I didn’t even know if I was dressed.

“I thought we weren’t going to talk about that.” The second voice hissed. I was pretty sure it was Oliver, but my head was pounding and I was trying to play dead. “That’s like the one thing that we agreed we would never mention again.”

“Well, at least we’re all dressed this time.”

“I’m not,” I was damned sure that that was Eli talking.

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