No One Likes a Bra Stuffer

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Even though it was the weekend and the best time for parties, I decided to stay away from the apartments. I needed some time to clear my mind and to at least try and make the right decision about my future. I had been up until the wee hours of the morning, staring at the acceptance letters on my desk and pondering the ways my future could turn out. When the first digit on my Mac had switched from a two to a three, I had peeled myself away from my desk and crawled beneath my duvet.

Part of me had been expecting to wake up in the morning with the right decision ready to go. Unfortunately, when I woke up, I was actually somewhat unsurprised to find out that I was no closer to a decision than I was the night before. Knowing that the rest of this weekend was going to have to be spent with as little distractions from the dark side as possible, I slipped from my bed and made my way down to the kitchen.

When my feet hit the cool tiling, I was surprised to find a flurry of activity happening in the room. My mother was sitting at the island, still wearing her silk purple pajama bottoms and her hair held into place with two chopsticks. Her BlueTooth was in her ear, her eyebrows meshed together as she pounded at the keys on her MacBook, stacks of papers surrounding her. My father was leaning against the counter, drinking something out of a mug as he scrolled across the screen on his phone. My sister was there as well, standing on the other side of the island with a large binder flipped open and a pen between her teeth.

Georgia was the first to realize that I had entered the room and upon doing so, let out a squeal, the pen falling from her mouth and clattering against the floor. She hurried to me in her bright purple pumps, brown curls swinging over her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around me.

“I’m so glad you’re around! I’ve called your cell like a million times this morning. We have so much to do! Why aren’t you dressed yet?” She was already talking a thousand miles per hour, so fast that I glanced at my father, trying to get him to help me comprehend what she was saying. When he made eye contact with me, he gave me a slight smile before dropping his eyes back to his screen.

"Um, I have no idea where my phone is." I told her honestly, hoping that she would understand that when I said this, I didn't mean that it was lost in my sheets or something, but that I literally had no knowledge of the whereabouts of my phone. Georgia's eyes flashed with recognition and she nodded once, the same smile on her face. Wrapping her hand around my arm, she began to pull me away from the kitchen.

"What do you mean that he's planning on coming to her party on Friday?" My mother suddenly snapped. This only seemed to affect me, for my father kept scrolling through his phone and Georgia was still trying to get me to follow her. I dug my heels into the floor and turned my head, looking back at my frazzled mother. "He cannot be there! Tell him that if even shows up at the premises, we will tear his contract to shreds. I don't care if it's illegal! Get. Rid. Of. Him."

The person on the other end of her BlueTooth most likely didn't snap back at my mother, but dropped everything that we were probably already burdened with and bustled around to do what she was telling them. The only people that I could think of at the top of my head who would be of such concern of my mother's and had a contract with her was Milo. My eyebrows narrowed as she moved her hands to her computer, fingers flying across the keyboard.

"He cannot be there." She was snapping again. "Remind him of that deal we made. If he really wants to us to let him go so he can film that movie, I suggest that he does what we agreed too. I don't care if you have to kidnap him at this point. If that boy ruins everything we've worked for this summer...I swear, I will destroy him."


She looked up from her work, startled to hear that someone had actually interupted her while she was working. Her thin eyebrows narrowed as she looked at me from her spot at the island, lips somehow managing to take on a look of surprise when she saw that it was me.

Bad Enough for You (Currently Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora