Chapter 2 - Same shit, different story

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Aether POV -

I just woke up in a new word just to see Lumine in full on panic mode. She noticed that I woke up and started dragging me away saying that we need to leave this world ASAP. I didn't know what happened but if it managed to scare Lumine to this degree it must have been pretty bad. She basted open a wall and we started running. The noise must have been louder than we thought as a white haired man suddenly jumped down from a platform and said something. I couldn't understand him but Lumine went completely stiff as soon as she saw him. She told him that she won't let him hurt me like he killed people of some wierd place. Maybe a city in this world?

The white haired guy looked surprised by Lumine's response and noticed that we couldn't understand him. I think it went both ways. He raised his hands and started backing off. Trying to say that he wasn't an enemy perhaps? I tried to reason with Lumine as he didn't seem hostile but she shrugged me off by saying "You don't understand Aether, I saw him kill an entire nation". I couldn't argue with her but I heard him say "W𝙹ᔑ⍑, ∴𝙹ᔑ⍑, ∴𝙹ᔑ⍑, リ𝙹 リᒷᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 !¡⚍ꖎꖎ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ||𝙹⚍∷ ᓭ∴𝙹∷↸. I'ᒲ リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ∷||╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⍑⚍∷ℸ ̣ ||𝙹⚍". Yup, we didn't speak the same language.

Lumine pulled out a sword I hadn't seen with before. Did she get it from this world? It did seem pretty strong though. I could feel something like a curse emitting from it. Was it meant to prevent healing? Perhaps.

The white haired guy looked surprised at the sword and instinctively took a defensive stance. I'm pretty sure he didn't notice it as he was still trying to talk with us.

"Wᔑ╎ℸ ̣ l⚍ᒲ╎リᒷ, i'ᒲ リ𝙹ℸ ̣ aᓭᒲ𝙹↸ᔑ||. Y𝙹⚍ ᒲ╎ ̇/ᒷ-". He managed to say something as Lumine attacked him. I think I heard his name. Asmoday? Was that it? He managed to dodge but his eye was cut. I could see the flesh trying to heal but couldn't. the sword was definitely made to prevent healing.

"F⚍ᓵꖌ!!! ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ⍑⚍∷ℸ ̣ ᓭ ᔑ ꖎ𝙹ℸ ̣ !!!" he screamed something in pain and started dodging Lumine's attacks. I still thought that there was a misunderstanding as he wasn't attacking but only dodging. Before I could talk to Lumine something purple dropped on his hand and he covered the area around himself with concentrated elecrticity. Lumne tried to attack but got zapped. I tried to stop the fight but he must have thought that I was trying to defend Lumine as he concentated the electricity in his right arm and move the 'barrier' to face me. Lumine thought that he was attacking me and chopped off his right arm, cutting off his powers.

He screamed in pain but Lumine didn't give him a chance to do anything as she jammed the sword in his throat. A guttural noise escaped him as he fell on the floor.

"Lumine! What did you do that for? He didn't even attack us!!!" I shouted as I tried searching his body for any signs of life. He was still alive, barely though.

"Leave him Aether. The sword will prevent him from healing. You still don't understand what I said, right? I SAW HIM ORDER THE SLAUGHTER OF A NATION!!! We need to leave this world fast." Lumine said as she started pulling me.

We didn't manage to get too far when black-red star like portal opened before us..... and out it came a person who looked like a female version of Asmoday. I could see where this was going.

"Outlanders, your journey ends here" she said as she crossed the portal.

"Y-you! It can't be. Who are you?" Lumine asked the unknown person in a shaking voice.

"The sustainer of heavenly principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now!" she said, attacking us with red cubes.

  "How are you here!? I just killed you!!!" Lumine said, now panicking.

"You? Killed me? Did you become delusional after watching me destroy Khaen-"

She suddenly stopped, staring towards the direction where Lumine, no we killed Asmoday. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Oh? Did you kill a bystander just because he looked like me? I don't see any wounds on you so I think the battle was pretty one sided. Tell me did you kill him despite him begging you to stop? This is why mankind must be stopped...."

"N-no. I- didn't know anything about him. I couldn't understand what he was saying. You bastard! You killed an entire nation and then made me kill an innocent by disguising him as yourself!!!".

Lumine was stuttering and anyone could tell that she was trying to ease her guilt by placing the blame on the unknown god. 'She' knew it too. And 'she' decided to use it against her.

"You can blame me all you want but I can assure you I didn't know anything about the boy, or the reason he looked just like me. But you on the other hand killed him. Tell me, how does it fe-" she got cutoff as Lumine went to strike her, but she managed to capture her.

"Pathetic" she said as Lumine was consumed by the cubes and vanished.

"Wait, no comeback!!!" I tried to scream as the cubes started covering me. "Give my sister back" was the last thing I managed to say as everything turned black.


'Unknown god's POV'

I just returned after destroying  Khaenri'ah and went straight to stop the outlanders. The confutation went just as I expected, but halfway through the battle I heard the girl say something I didn't expect.

"How are you here!? I just killed you!!!" she said in a shaking voice.

She killed me? How amusing. I decided to humor her but noticed that she wasn't being delusional. I sensed a boy in one of the halls in Celestia. He looked just like me. I guess I can see where the confusion came from, but I noticed that the boy was almost dead. A cursed sword stuck in his throat, preventing him from healing. I must thank him after our little fight here ends. After all, that sword would have caused me some problems. 

I could see the girl was confused and decided to taunt her by telling her the truth. It worked. She fell right into my trap, her brother tried to save her, but I managed to seal them both. Sealing them took a pretty huge toll on me and I almost decided to not help my little savior but ended up doing so anyways.

I teleported to where is body was, cold and almost lifeless. The only way I could help him was to seal him and send him to Teyvat but that would completely drain me and I won't be able to kill the twins. But I had to do it anyways. I am the sustainer of the heavenly principles, and the principles state that I must repay my debt. But it didn't mean that I couldn't weaken him further, so I flooded his body with my cubes and sealed him away.


Hell yeah! I managed to write two chapters on the same day :D 

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now