Sorry, and a final goodbye ~

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First of all, I'm so sorry for not being able to complete my books, but all of them are up for adoption. Use them however you want, just tag the original in case others want to take some ideas too.
I would appreciate that (:

Also, I fucking love you guys.... Don't know what else to say.

Just stay safe out there and enjoy your life~

And once again, sorry for not finishing any of them.
Hope you guys aren't too angry.

How will I die?

I'll burn to death. Obviously.

Gotta make it look like an accident, don't I~?

Well, I'll probably get steamed alive or choke to death before I burn, but it is wat it is I guess.

What will happen to my fics you ask?

Well... I've given my ID to some of my close friends . They should be continuing them... Maybe. I ain't gonna force them.

And all of you are free to make alternate versions of your own if you want.

Just don't go around posting this on different websites without linking the original.

I would be... sad? IDK if you can be sad after you die.




Meh. Do whatever you think is correct.

And last but not the least... I love you guys. Every single one of you.

All the way form fluxstrapper and TwitchtoastODST who were my first readers, to SonicTheMemedgehog the first person to even vote on one of stories (or was it someone else? I can't remember. I think it was AlexanderSpink ),
Also, OfficialShipButton and angry_lumine who became one of the most avid commenters and the first ones to usually vote /read any new chapters.

ItzPheonixHere , MinraWolf , Riversarchive( and Viewer3602 became some of my oldest reader.

Then you have people like KagiIruto LazyRwiz Y0ur_L0cal_Intr0vert who became my close friends.

I somehow got really close to people like NinPolaria and Hayama_chan_Zervo even tho I knew them for only a small amount of time. 

okamusame I'm sorry for starting a book by taking inspiration from yours, but not being able to get to even 20 chapter.

There are hundreds more who voted and commented. Literally hundreds of thousands of you who have read my chapters, but I'm getting too sentimental to write all of your names and make unique ones for all books, so I apologise.


I really want to write all your names. Everyone from all my books, I want to thank you. Everyone on AO3 and Wattpad, but I can't.

I hope all of you stay healthy, and happy.

And well, as NinPolaria asked. I'll be watching over her. I'll be watching over every single one of you. Everyone who has ever read even a single chapter written by me. Everyone who has ever replied to one of my dumb comments. Everyone who ever talked with me on these two websites. Every single author who's books I've ever read.

Thank you... All of you.

You guys helped me keep going till now.

And to any of my IRL friends who might've found this. Sorry for making it look like an accident guys. I just didn't want you to be sad. And well, you know how much the media would run with it. Heck, even my own family is probably using my death as an excuse to fight right now... Like they've always done... Use me for their things.

This would be really awkward if they like, instantly found out that this was a suicide and that I never got to say goodbye to them TwT

And to all my online friends who blocked me like Y0ur_L0cal_Intr0vert and Hayama_chan_Zervo who have blocked me to try and forget me... I'm not angry. I- I'm definitely not sad... Nope. No idea what you're talking about. Just happy that you guys can move on, one way or another. I'll still try to look over you, or at least wait for everyone reading this, if that's possible.

You guys know? I haven't felt this much emotions in years. Just who would've thought that a random bio for a character that was stuck in my head you lead to me being this close to so many people.

And well, as a last favor I'd like to request that you guys please tag those that I couldn't. And stay happy. K?

Do it for your dumbass least favorite author. Please...

PS : By the time this gets uploaded, I'll be dead :P

- Frien- No... Aaditya Gupta, signing off ~

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