Chapter 18 - A warning, a lost wish, and broken hope

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Aether POV - 

I was about to leave for Dragonspine, but decided to go meet Asmoday before going.

On the way, I found some weird monsters, but easily defeated them. Xiao had said that this was happening because of the Karma debt that Asmoday absorbed from his body.

I talked with his grave for some time, before Paimon found me.

"Aether! Why did you leave Paimon behind!?" she shouted.

i patted her head.

"Sorry Paimon. I wanted to meet Asmoday before we left" I said.

She nodded and kept a chicken mushroom skewers next to the grave, before we left.

When we reached Dragonspine, some of the adventurers there told us to be careful if we were going to climb the mountain during the day.

"Why is that? Shouldn't it be easier during the day?" Paimon asked.

"It is because of the Seelie's weird behavior " Cyrus said.

"What are you doing here Cyrus?" I asked.

"Jean must have asked you to investigate the Seelie. The adventurer's guild has been investigating them for some time now. We have found out that all warming Seelie vanish during the day. This makes traveling a lot harder" he said.

"And what's up with all those people behind you?" Paimon asked.

"Haha. The seelie try to guide humans to something important. And their weird behavior makes the mountain easy to traverse in during the night. What adventurers would we be, if we don't use this opportunity!" he said as all the adventurers behind him gave a loud cheer.

"Come on Paimon. Let's set up a tent before all good spots are finished" I said as we left.

When it started getting dark, Cyrus called me and said that they were leaving.

We started the trek and soon some seelie started appearing near the top of the mountain.

"Aether! Look at this one" Paimon said.

One of the Pyro seelie was trying to sit on Paimon's nose.

"Hmm? That's weird. Seelie usually guide people from a distance. Maybe this one is trying to say something. You should follow it Aether" Cyrus said.

We took his advice and started following it.

Rest of the adventurers followed the major path that the seelie had made to the top.

Our seelie too us to a small opening where hundreds of Pyro and anemo seelie were circling something.

"What are the seelie trying to do? Let's go and check it out closely" Paimon said.

We went closer and saw there was nothing.

Suddenly all the Seelie started flying in a straight line, and the one in the front looked like it was sitting on something.

We followed them to the skyfrost nail, where they circled around it before making a small pyro swirl.

Some of them got closer to us and sat on something invisible, or someone invisible.

The Seelie made the rough shape of a person that pointed at the moon, before all the Seelie made a straight line towards it.

Something about the moon.

I tried looking closer but only saw Celestia. Was something going on there?

The seelie returned next to us as we glided down the Skyfrost nail.

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