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Hanahaki rules :

Can't tell the person responsible

The favourite flower of said person slowly grows in your chest. When you cough out the flower, it instantly kills you.

If you somehow manage to survive long enough, random flowers will start growing on your face, throat, eyes, etc.

Death after reaching this stage has the person's body slowly turning into a loving orchard.

The flower in the chest can be removed, but the person will never be the same, loosing their ability to feel emotions forever, and amnesia in a lot of cases. 

However there are rumors of a 'half-surgery'. What it does, isn't clear.

When Hanahaki stops, the flowers don't randomly vanish. They stay, forever. Just never growing further.


Aether Viator -

Job - you choose

Old job - 4nemo

Met Shibori in College

Relatives : Paimon - School

Lumine -Idol

Personality and stuff you can choose.

Aether and Shibori were roommates during college, and by the end of year two, both of them were extremely close.

Before 3rd year could start, Aether joined 4nemo.

He and Shibori were still extremely close, and would hangout a lot.

That was, until Shibori coughed a (your choice of flower) petal.

Then, they tried their best to get closer to Aether.

He however got busy in band activities, and Shibori didn't want to come between Aether's career, and their hanahaki kept on increasing. Then they started 'ignoring' so he doesn't find out about their illness.

In the end, their friendship ended on a night similar to Diluc and Kaeya's, minus all the death and telling the wholetruth.

Shibori then went missing for 4 years.

During that time, Aether's hanahaki started slowly developing and even started to stop a few times, until one day he coughed a petal of the initiate's flower during one of his performances.

Fortunately, his disease spread extremely slow, but he was still forced to find a new job.

One day, he hears a loud thud outside his door during a thunderstorm


For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now