Chapter 3 - What the hell happened here?

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Aether POV - 

"Uh, my whole body hurts. What happened to me? Wait..."


I shouted as I woke up inside a small cave. I remembered, our fight with the unknown god.


I tried searching around the cave but she was missing. The unknown god separated us!

I started panicking and went outside to look for her but couldn't find her so I returned to the cave for shelter. It was pretty late so I cried myself to sleep.

*Time skip - 2 weeks* (KING CRMISON!!!) (I've always wanted to do that :D)

It's been almost 2 weeks and I haven't found any trace of Lumine. The area near me doesn't seem to have any intelligent life. Only some small animals and a river located some distance away. I tried to remember what happened during our fight and suddenly remembered something..... or rather someone. So I started exploring the cave for some weak rocks or any signs of life and i finally found him.

"Asmoday" I said as I finally found him, covered in the red cubes that separated me from Lumine and her sword stuck in his throat. I thought he died but surprisingly he was still alive so I tried removing the sword which caused the cubes to spread to it, effectively destroying it and then getting absorbed into the wound to seal it. 

Nothing happened for some days so I decided to explore further from the cave. I accidentally fished Paimon from the river. At first I thought she was a weird fish but it turned out that she was a person. I noticed that she looked surprisingly similar to the unknown god and Asmoday but decided to not ask her. For all I knew everyone in this world could look similar and I didn't want to repeat what happened last time.

She taught me some basic knowledge about this world and in return I told her about Lumine and how we got separated. I didn't tell her anything about Asmoday to prevent further misunderstandings. She would definitely loose trust in me if she found out that my sister almost killed someone because he looked similar to her and an unknown god.

She agreed to be my guide and said we should go to Mondstadt to get more information about Lumine. I told her to wait for some time as I went back to check on Asmoday.

I noticed something wrong just as I entered the cave. Asmoday was awake, and he was sitting in a corner, crying. I didn't know what happened so I just ran towards him and hugged him. It seemed to calm him down we just stood like that for a few minutes. 

After some time we separated and he tried to say something. I thought that we would have the language problem again but it was worse. He tried speaking but no noise came. Oh no. That sword caused some serious problems. He noticed it too and started crying. I couldn't comfort him this time as I was one of the reasons why he was missing an arm and his voice.

We sat in silence for a few hours as he calmed down slowly. I left him to collect his thoughts as I went to get Paimon.

When I returned with her I noticed two things.

1. He was wearing a weird mask

2. He had wings.

He noticed me and pointed at his wings, equally surprised by them. I chuckled a bit, happy that we was now distracted from his sudden loss of voice.

"Good for you buddy" I knew he couldn't understand me but his reaction caught me off guard. He suddenly turned towards me and tried to sign that he wanted me to repeat. I couldn't understand what he was trying to say, but the meaning was pretty clear. I repeated myself and he took off his mask half-way. Wait.....

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now