Chapter 11 - Mad scientist strikes again

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(Y/N) POV - 

We were roaming around Mond when we saw a green haired girl standing at Timaeus' shop. Paimon asked her where he was and she told us that he had gone to Dragonspine to help Albedo. I remember Albedo. He was one of the leading alchemists in creating my catalyst.

She said that we could help him in his research so we decided to go there. When we teleported at the base of Dragonspine, we saw Barbara trying to convince Rosaria to join the church choir. When she left Rosaria turned towards the rock we were hiding behind and demanded that we reveal ourselves.

We walked out and I waved at her and she calmed down.

"Oh, it's you guys. Guess I won't pry further. You need something?" she asked.

"We're looking for Albedo, think you can help?" Ae asked.

She said that she kept track of him and we could follow her.

Ae used his elemental sight and spotted Albedo's footprints. That's so useful. I wanted to try that but instead to showing me where the elemental traces were, my attempt caused all the footprints to get coated in a thick layer of pyro. Guess that kind of helps...

We reached a higher part of the mountain and saw him painting some hilichurls.

We tried to stay silent but they spotted us and attempted to attack us.

I somehow managed to write that we weren't trying to fight them on the ground and they left us. My translator can be OP at times.

"Why did you scare them? It's a good thing that I managed to finish my sketch" Albedo said.

One round of rambling that I wasn't paying attention to, he asked Ae to fight a bunch of slimes. I released some electro at looked at Ae.

"Y-yeah... about that. Can we fight something else?" Ae asked him.

In the end we found a bunch of whooper flowers and fought them.

"Hmm. Interesting. Both of you are unique but your fighting styles are too different. Aether uses anemo without a vision while Asmoday uses two visions, that too in a way quite different from others. Could it be that both of you are from different worlds?" Albedo asked.

I gave a small nod.

"Interesting. Hey Aether, do you have any extra organs? Like a second heart or a fourth stomach, or something similar. Also is this floating child connected to you in any way?" he asked.

"No" Ae responded. " And I fished Paimon out of a river."

"But if Paimon guided the elements towards you, that would mean she has enough elemental energy to blow up a small mountain" Albedo said.

"Uwah! Asmoday! I'm scared. Help me!" Paimon said as she hugged me, so I covered her using my wings.

"Wow! Asmoday, you have wings? Mind if I study them?" Albedo asked.

I agreed and removed my hoodie so he could study them. He looked shocked at seeing the scar on my neck but decided to ignore it as he studied my wings.

"Any unique properties about them I should know?" he asked.

"They are a lot more sensitive than rest of my body and heal slower too" I wrote.

He nodded as he studied them.

"Can I take a feather for further research?" he asked and I agreed.

After that we went to his camp for more detailed experiments.

"Timaeus, prepare the potion I requested while I do some more experiments with our friends" Albedo told Timaeus.

"So, Aether, Asmoday. Any unique powers you guys have that don't belong to this world?" he asked.

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now