Chapter 10 - Could this woman be one of my people?

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(Yes, this is Eula's quest. The next few chapters will be similar. These are not in order. Main storyline will continue when I get more time.)


(Y/N) POV - 

Jean contacted us this morning and said that she need our help for something important. 

I seriously hope she doesn't want us to babysit Klee again. I still have nightmares about that.

I saw Aether returning with our breakfast and woke up Paimon who had fallen asleep on me.

After the breakfast we went to the HQ and Jean informed us that she needs us to confront some guy called Schubert about the Lawrence Clan plotting something with the Fatui. She told us that the guy could be difficult to deal with and the Knights can't deal with him directly.

We left the HQ and saw the guy walking near the wall, as if trying to find something. Paimon tried greeting him but he didn't like the way she talks. He also refused to talk with Ae(Aether) and I couldn't exactly speak with him so we left.

We were returning to the HQ for some advice when I bumped into Amber. 

"Hey Amber" Paimon said, excited about meeting her after so long.

"Hey Paim-" she couldn't finish her sentence as Ae hugged her.

"Hey Amber" he said while giving her a little kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Aether. It's been so long. Right?" she said while kissing him back.

"Mmm" Ae responded before I pulled him away.

"We have a job to do Ae. You can make out with Amber at the house later" I wrote.

"M-make out!? W-we haven't done anything like that" Amber tried to bluff.

"Oh come on Amber. You guys have to always choose our house and you aren't exactly quite. Paimon couldn't sleep the last time you came over" Paimon replied.

"HAdndifwefndfnsnbdngf" Amber started babbling.

"I think we broke her" I wrote.

"Hey Amber? Can you help us with this guy called Schubert? Jean asked us to deal with something but he refuses to talk with us" Ae asked her.

"Oh! Schubert? Sorry I won't be able to help much but my friend Eula should be. She went to scout the area near Stormbearer mountains so you should be able to find her there." Amber told us.

I thanked her by patting her head while Squishy was trying to hug her leg. She picked it up and asked if she could keep it for the day. I agreed and she took it away to show off to her friends. Squishy had become a sort of celebrity among the people of Mond and was having fun with Amber and her friends as we left.

We teleported near Stormbearer mountains and saw a Fatui camp. I launched a pryo arrow at them as a warning shot. They didn't escape and we had to beat them up. One pyroslinger was standing on a makeshift platform and tried attacking us. I destroyed the projectile when someone attacked him from behind with a claymore.

"You stole my targets. This insult won't be forgiven. Mark my word, vengeance will be mine" blue haired girl said.

"What the fuck are you talking about!" Paimon shouted

"Please ignore Paimon. I'm Aether and this is my friend Asmoday. You must be Eula. Amber said that you can help us with a problem" Ae said.

"Amber sent you? Guess my vengeance will have to wait" Eula said.

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant