Chapter 13 - Farewell, Asmoday

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Mild-gore. I guess? IDK man, I have no idea of what I'm writing


Aether POV - 

Katheryne gave me Asmoday's last letter almost 2 months ago. He said that he would be going to Sumeru after finishing his work, but I didn't get any letters after that. I had fully explored Mond and we couldn't find any traces of Lumine, so we decided to go the Liyue.

The journey took us a few days and we stayed at Wangshu inn for some days, before we reached the harbor. I saw that the waypoint there had some gold lines in it. Guess Asmoday unlocked it.

I asked Liyue's Katheryne if she had any information about Asmoday but she said that he hadn't been seen after he gave her the letter. She assured me that he probably went to Sumeru and would be busy.

Me and Paimon rested for a few days before the Rite of Descension and did some exploration of nearby area. On the day of the Rite of Descension we were near the front when Morax's dead body fell on the ground and the area was locked down for searching. We almost escaped but some of the guards saw us. I was about to fight them when a ginger saved us and took to a fatui bank. I almost stabbed him but he told me that he was Asmoday's friend.

"How did you even become his friend?" Paimon asked.

"Simple. I challenged him to a duel and he instantly defeated me. Then we became friends :)" he replied.

"Do you have any idea where he might be?" I asked him.

"And here I was hoping you'd know about him. He just vanished after that day" Childe told us.

I was starting to think that something was wrong but we didn't have time to find out. Childe gave us a Sigil of permission and we went to talk with the Adepti. We told them about what happened and I asked if they had seen a person with white hair who wears a black-gold mask. All of them said they had no information about him but Xiao said that he met Asmoday at Wangshu inn.

"You met him? Can you tell me where he went? Or when did you meet him?" I asked him.

"So, that demon is your friend? I tried attacking it, but it patted my head and flew away. I still feel weird about the corruption he tried attacking me with" he told me.

After we found out that the emo won't tell us anything useful we returned to Childe. There we met Mr. Zhongli who introduced Childe to Asmoday.

"Your friend agreed to a contract with me. In exchange for his help, I would help you but he never showed up to fulfill his part. That means I am not obliged to help you, but I can get you close to Rex Lapis' corpse if you help in the Rite of Parting" Zhongli told us.

I knew that people of Liyue are all about contracts, but I was still irritated that he won't help us to the best of his abilities because Asmoday was missing.

After all the preparations were over, I was invited to the Jade chamber by Ningguang, who told me that the Millelith won't try to capture me anymore. She also told us that a Fatui factory had been conducting weird experiments as massive energy pulses were felt from there.

We went to raid the factory and found hundreds of Sigils of permission. We destroyed them but the weird energy was still coming from deep inside the factory. I had a bad feeling, so I took out my sword, that I had named Cursed Gale. It started absorbing the excess energy as I destroyed a massive door with it. On the other side was a laboratory and Fatui agents and Ruin guards started attacking us. Whatever was out there was very important to them. I channeled elemental energy in the sword and blasted one of the ruin guards with geo crystals. I took one of the crystals and overloaded it with elemental energy and threw it at the Fatui, causing it to explode. The ruin guards started attacking me as I quickly defeated them. We went through the door they were protecting and saw many dead scientists. In the end of the room was a person tied to multiple tubes, constantly extracting their blood and processing it. I went close and saw that the person had white hair.

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon