Chapter 41 - Can I offer you a nice dango in these trying times?

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Someone does dumb shit. Find out who ;)


Aether POV -

The soldiers had captured Itto and were putting handcuffs on me, Paimon and Asmoday.

I didn't resist because I knew this was just for formality, but Paimon seemed to be making a ruckus.

"What happened Paimon?" I asked.

"Aether! Stop them. Asmoday! He's..." she said.

I turned towards Asmoday, and saw that he was just staring in blank space when the soldiers tried to handcuff him. Almost as if he was having a flashback....

"Shit! Leave him alone" I shouted as I quickly hugged him.

Asmoday started silently sobbing while hugging me.

I tried to calm him down, and he just wrote 'Fatui' and 'help' on my hand with his fingers.

Fuck. I should've known that something like this would happen.

"Ummm.... Traveler? We need t-" one of the soldiers said.

"Please don't. He has some.... bad memories related to getting captured" I said.

The captain nodded, and allowed Asmoday to stay free.

I heard him mumbling something about war, and soldiers being in similar situations.

Seems like he's familiar with this.

A few minutes later, Itto was thrown into a cell, and me, Paimon and Asmoday were allowed to be in the same one.

She had transformed into her adult form, and was hugging Asmoday to calm him down.

"So. When can we leave?" I asked.

"Just waiting for madam Kujou to arrive. She should allow you guys to leave pretty soon" the guard said.

We waited for a few minutes, and Sara soon arrived.

"You stupid oni. Did you seriously try to break into my house?" she said.

"I...umm... was looking for you" Itto said.

"Ugh. Anyone else who was captured?" she asked the guard.

"Yes mam. The traveler and his friends were there too. We had to capture them as per protocol" the guard said.

"*Sigh* Let them go" Sara said.

Our cell was soon opened, and Paimon had transformed again as Asmoday held her like a stuff toy.

"Aether. I appo-" Sara said before suddenly stopping.

"Umm, Sara? You alright?" Paimon asked as she flew in front of Sara's face.

"You.... HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE HERE!" she shouted as he launched an electro arrow at Asmoday.

None of us had time to react as her arrow quickly shot through Asmdoay's left eye.

He fell on the ground while writhing in pain as he pulled out the arrow.

His eye started bleeding even more as some of them started turning into cubes.

"Shit! Paimon!" I shouted.

(A/N : I know exactly what this sounds like)

She nodded and we quickly grabbed the guards around us and sprinted out of the place.

I surrounded those I couldn't grab with a giant geo wall.

Just as we ran outside, there was a loud explosion as a massive line of cubes started flowing out of the police station's roof. (Genshin has a police station. Right?)

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz