Chapter 7 - For a Tomorrow Without Thots

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(Y/N) POV - 

Our meeting with Jean went pretty normal. We agreed to help them in cutting off Stormterror's power source. Amber showed us our new room. Can't deny, it's a lot better than sleeping in makeshift tents or small caves. Aether and Paimon don't seem to be impressed by the beds saying that my wings are better. I responded by Karate-chopping both of them.

We found a pen and some paper and I was able to have a proper conversation with them for the first time. During our little meeting I realized that we need new weapons and books to understand the local language. Our travel guide seemed to be broken and only knows one language. Paimon retaliated by biting my wings which still hurt. I might have accidentally thrown her at the bed in pain and we would have to explain to Jean why there was a random dent in the bed.

Aether went to ask Jean about the books and weapons and returned an hour later with a bunch of books. Both of us did a crash course and I'm proud to announce that I'm apparently a genius. I can perfectly understand this language. Aether on the other hand only understands the basics. Paimon may have been a really bad teacher if it took me almost 2 weeks to learn standard Teyvat. By the time we were finished it was pretty late so we went to sleep. Paimon refused to sleep without me and was able to hide under my wings when Aether tried to catch her.

*Time skip*

Hey you, you're finally awake.

"For the love of god! It's been months. When will my stop waking up to this!!!?"

I was about to wake Aether and Paimon when someone knocked on our door.

I opened it and almost suffocated because on Lisa hugging me the moment she saw me.

Aether managed to save me by shouting "Begon thot!" and pulling me away.

She informed us that the knights were ready for the expedition and our new weapons were ready.

We got ready and met Amber, Kaeya and Lisa standing outside the HQ with 5 other knights. Aether got a new Favonius Sword which was a shock for everyone except Lisa. Apparently she didn't tell anyone that we didn't have proper weapons to see this reaction. She has earned my respect. Then she gave me a Prototype Amber which somehow scared Kaeya a bit too much.

While everyone was discussing their plan I was experimenting with my new weapon. Until now I had been extracting elemental energy directly from my vision but with a catalyst you can make it go through specific patterns for different effects. As I began concentrating electro into the Prototype I didn't notice the Knights staring at me. When I was done with my little experiment, there was a giant spear of pure electricity hovering besides me. Lisa told my it wasn't practical to make weapons using a elemental energy as I won't be able to use it too well. I almost removed when I remembered that I have pyro vision too and tried causing an overload reaction at the end of the spear. Just as I expected, the spear blasted forward, breaking the sound barrier. The problem was that I forgot to aim it and now there is a random crater next to Kaeya who looks traumatized. I quickly apologized and Amber took me and Aether to get breakfast at Good Hunters. 


Lisa POV - 

Last night one of the cuties came to the library to get some books on the local language. Just as he left Jean barged into the library and explained to me what happened in her office. My reaction went from amused curiosity to nervous in less and a minute. After some discussions we decided to give them a Favonius Sword and a Prototype Amber. Prototype Amber is easier to use than a Favonius Codex but it's output is lower too. It would be perfect for someone using a catalyst for the first time so they don't accidentally kill someone.

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