Chapter 11 - Bouken da Bouken 👍

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Bennett best boi. Change my mind.

I will write only one route from the hangout events :)


(Y/N) POV - 

I was walking around Mond with Ae when I saw a boy arguing with Katheryne. I got Ae's attention and pointed at him. We got closer and heard what they were arguing about.

"Katheryne. Please let me do this commission. I promise that I will be fine" the other white haired boy pleaded.

"Bennett, I trust you but this commission isn't available for solo adventures" Katheryne told him.

"But I have a team" Bennett said.

"Bennett just because all your team members left and you are the only one in Bennett's adventure team doesn't mean that I can consider you a team" Katheryne tried to argue with him.

Oof. That's depressing.

The boy was about to leave when he saw us.

"Ah, it's you guys! Didn't think I'd be running into you here... Hehe, I guess it's my lucky day. How're your adventures going lately? Did you come here to get a new commission from Katheryne, or to get paid? And where are you going after this? Bet you've got a really excited adventure lined up, huh?" he started fanboying.

I could see that he was a nice guy so we decided to talk with him... or at least Ae talked to him.

"Nice to meet you, Bennett!"  Ae replied.

"Ah... I'm talking too much, aren't I...I'm sorry... I was just excited to run into someone I admire so much... And, uh... maybe a little starstruck, too... haha..." he sheepishly said.

"You... admire us?" Ae asked.

Of course he does you dummy. We practically fought a Demi-god!

"Of course! You're the mysterious Travelers, the heroes who quelled Stormterror crisis and saved master Jean. Plus you have your own adventure team to boot! If I'm being honest... I'm totally jealous of all your achievements" he said.

I like this kid. He's honest.

"Me on the other hand... I'm just an unlucky guy. My adventure team even... Ah- never mind, I shouldn't get all down in front of someone I admire. I should be open to see what I can learn! Speaking of which... I have a favor to ask. Um... when you go adventuring later, can I come and watch? I probably shouldn't help you though. Maybe you don't know, but I'm a really unlucky person to have around. If I tried helping you, my bad luck would probably just screw everything up!" he said.

"He's just an unlucky boi and no one wants to help him! MUST PROTECC!!!" I mentally screamed.

"Sure, let's go on an adventure!" Ae said.

"Wow! I never thought I'd get an opportunity like this! Allow me to share some intel with you. According to my friend Fischl a mysterious ruin has recently been discovered. I tried asking Katheryne to let me take the commission to explore the ruins but she said that it's between Rank B and Rank A so I can't do it alone." he said.

"Do you usually take food with you or do you just go on the adventure?" he asked.

"We take some food with us, just in case" Ae replied.

"Oh! A cautious pair you guys are. Guess this should be expected from expert adventurers. Yesterday, I came up with a dish, so let's make some of it. I will need one mint, one radish and some slime condensate." he said.

Squishy started trembling at the mention of slime condensate and I had to calm it down.

"W-what? Wait! Squishy, you don't need to be scared. I have some with me from a slime that tried to eat me in my sleep. We won't hurt you"

After some time Squishy calmed down and Bennett made his 'dish'.

I'm pretty sure it was corrosive and almost certainly radioactive. He tried to hand me the bowl but slipped and spilled it on my face. Guess the bad luck already started. Also, I was correct. It was corrosive and managed to melt quite a lot of my face. While I was rolling around in agony, Bennett was continuously apologizing. 

After some time, my face healed and me made our way towards the ruins. 

The ruins looked quite normal but the exit closed when we tried to open a door. We didn't have any choice so we just went forward. Worst case, I would blast the door with an elemental spear.

We found some more puzzles and ended up trapping ourselves in.

"Uh... I'm so sorry guys. First I accidentally melted Asmoday's face and now we're trapped inside the ruins. I found out that my bad luck doesn't affect me when I'm unconscious so I'll just hit my hea-" I cut him off by patting his head and signaling him to stand back.

"Huh? What?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it. Asmoday will get us out so stand back" Ae said.

"What do you mean he'll get us out? The door is cl-"

He couldn't complete his sentence as I blasted a hole in the wall.

"Wow!" he said, amazed.

I found a chest inside and called them.

"Wow! This is the best day of my life! First I get to meet my idols and then we find rare treasures! This is perfect!" Bennett shouted excited as we left the ruins.


This one is smaller but I'll make another one for Bennett in which he talks about his crush.

Tell me who do you guys want. Fischl, Barbara or Razor to be with Bennett.

Till the next time ~

PS : I may have started another book :P But don't worry, I'll update that one only when I don't have ideas for this one (:

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