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Harrys POV

i was expecting to wake up with chloe laid next to me, but no yet again that was another dream.
The past few nights i've been having these very surreal dreams about chloe, me and chloe.

i picked up my phone, squinting at the screen i looked at the time.

i groaned, pulling the covers up over my face i tried to fall back asleep. The sofa, i admit wasn't the comfiest thing to sleep on.

'get up now' chloe snatched the covers away from my almost naked body. My body tensed up.

'fucking hell chlo it's freezing' i squinted up at her adjusting to the light, reaching out for the blanket.

'no seriously, we're losing out on money because't doing your job' she wrapped the covers around her slim figure and showed me her bank account which wasn't at its highest.

i got up slowly.
she looked up away from her phone and at me.
she was staring at me once again.
i felt my heart start pounding.
i shook my head and threw on my shorts over my boxers.

'i'll be back soon'

Whatever chloe says i do, she's technically my boss at this point so i kind of have too.

'£70 please mate' i said as i held out my hand and my other hand dropped beside this guys other hand.

'nice one g' he tapped my shoulder and handed the money over to me.

5 of the day done- haz

be careful, do not get caught-chloe

she wants money so i go out and get it for her.
she wants weed so i go out and get it for her.
she wants essentials i go out and get it for her.

i do everything for this girl but it never feels like she appreciates me enough. But i love her too much to mention anything so i just go along with it. I don't have a home also so i kinda need to rely on her.

'cheers big man' this dodgy guy patted my shoulder as he ran off without paying.

'you cunt' i ran after him for what felt like ages.
i pulled my hood up and turned the corner to find the guy gone.

i kept looking for him, down streets, long dark roads that lead to nowhere and eventually i got to an alleyway, super dark, grungy and sincere. Trying to catch my breath i came to a stop and leant against the wall.

'fuck sake harry' i mumbled to myself as i rested my head back.

'harry?' i heard a male voice mumble.

i slowly open my eyes, once realising where i was i sat up almost instantly. Regretting that quick movement i grunted in pain.

'woah woah you better take things slow mr lewis' he pressed on my shoulder lightly.

'who are you? why am i here?' i look around and finally look down at my body.

in shock my jaw drops.
'what the fuck.' i looked up at the doctor with a worried look.

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