twenty eight

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'you know it truly is beautiful here' i grinned looking around at the not so busy town.

'meh, you get used to how weirdly quiet this place is' she lead the way towards one of her favourite shops.

'wait, you don't have like an urban outfitters?, Primark?' i gasped after finally coming to the realisation.

she stopped in her tracks and started laughing
'have you realised where you are?'

'this has to be the first place i've ever been where there hasn't been a Primark?!' i shook my head in disbelief.


'oh that would definitely suit you!' rosie held up a mini dress which had a floral pattern on it.
i looked it up and down.

'you think?' i took it from her hand and held it up against my body looking in the mirror that was infront of me.
i smiled at the sight.

'see i told you!' she clapped

'fashionista' i smiled before adding it to my basket.

we shopped around for a little while longer before decided to grab a bite to eat at a little cafe.

'these last few hours have been nice' rosie said cheerfully looking across the table at me.
My heart felt warm.

'yeah, it has been nice' i took a sip of my milkshake.

'harry is lucky, i wasn't sure of you at first..but i'm glad he's got you chloe, you've helped him get out of a very dark place that no one wanted him to be in. Not even the boys could snap him out of it.' she smiled which i returned

'i'm glad you approve' i chuckled
'but no seriously, we were both in a dark place and i think that's what pulled us closer'

'harry's never had a serious relationship but i think this one means a lot to him' she spoke

i felt my skin heat up
'i bloody hope so' i laughed quietly.

'come on, we better head back before they wonder where we've gone' she got up, following in suit.


'what do ya think?' i did a quick twirl, stood infront of harry.

he didn't say anything for a moment and just stared at me.

'you're making me nervous' i giggled.

'i love you' was all that he said and pulled me into a warm hug. I sunk into his chest. Hearing his heart beat made me forget about all my troubles, it was like i was in my own world where it was just him and i..nobody else. Just us, to explore the whole entire world.

'i love you too' i whispered.
hi sorry this one is short, i just felt like i needed to update and since i have covid i have a lot of time lmao.

hope you're enjoying this book so far!
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p.s thanks for all the support so far<3

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