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i scrolled through instagram avoiding any eye contact with him. Simon and i haven't spoken for nearly two years. He slept with my ex whilst i was literally in the other room, piss take.

i sighed
thinking back to the moment i found out about it all.

'what's wrong haz' chloe looked away from simon and towards me.

she had completely forgotten i was the reason she was even here and seeing simon and that i was laid in a hospital bed with a gun shot wound.

'really chlo?' i looked up and shook my head

'what?' she looked puzzled

i started to get up slowly.
but the pain was too much for me to handle.
i grunted and fell back onto the bed.

'fuck sake lad' simon came and made sure i was steady. I looked at his hand which was placed on my shoulder and then up to his eyes, i didn't say anything. He removed his hand.

i grabbed the stupid wheelchair i had been given, sat in it

'i'm going to get a drink' i mumbled as i wheeled myself out of the room.

Chloe's POV//

'he's in a bad way si, he'll come round' i reassured simon who had a worried look on his face.

'i don't know, what i did was pretty fucked up i don't blame him for not wanting to speak to me' he looked out of the window and to the view of the sunset.

i hesitated.
'yeah i don't blame him either but i don't know..i know how much he misses you and the bond you both had'

'does he ever speak about me chlo?' he asked looking back at me.

i shrugged not wanting to give him a response.

'it's been 30 minutes what the hell is he doing' i got up and walked out of the room, leaving simon.

'hi have you seen a blonde haired lad in a wheelchair around here anywhere?' i asked the closest nurse i could find.

'the last i saw he went that way' she pointed out towards the smoking area.

i smiled at her before walking toward the doors.
i peered my head through the windows before stepping out into the freezing cold evening.

there he was smoking a what i'm assuming cigarette.

i walked over to him in a hurry and snatched it out of his hand

'no way you're having some and i'm not' i said as i brought it to my mouth.

he looked at me shaking his head with a slight smirk on his face.
i smiled and handed it back to him once i'd had a few.

'you know you never talk about him' i said quietly , rubbing my hands together to keep them warm.
He didn't respond.

'are you not cold?' i spoke trying to cut the awkward silence.

'i am a bit yeah' he put out his cigarette and looked up at me.

his big blue eyes staring at me, with the sun shining behind him as it was setting, ending another day. I leant down on my knees, too his level.

we both leant into eachother slowly, our lips inches away, i could feel his breath against my lips. I smirked.

harry cleared his throat and moved away.
i looked at him puzzled.
he looked behind me, so i turned and saw simon walking towards us.

'aren't you both cold out here' he approached us.

i raised my eyebrows and looked at harry.
simon looked at me then at harry.

'uh yeah just a bit' harry responded quietly before sarcastically smiling at me as i began to wheel him back in.

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