part nine

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*a few weeks later*
i woke up this morning and all i could think about was mine and harry's conversation last night.


'i feel like i keep letting you down, disappointing you chlo' he sighed

'it's like everything i do is always wrong. I do everything for you and it never seems like you appreciate it enough, actually at all' he sat up on my bed and leant against the wall.

'harry come on you should know that's not true' i looked at him frowning.

'seeing you with simon upset me, it's like you ignore what he did to me.'

'no i don't ignore what he did to you i just choose to move past it..that's how life is harry' i sighed

*present moment*

i feel extremely guilty for making him feel like that, like he isn't appreciated.
no matter how hard i tried and ignore the confusing feelings i have for harry i just can't seem to give myself to someone else.
Me and tyler are going so well, or as well as we can be. The sexual tension between him and i is very obvious. But to me that's all he is.. a sex partner. I tried to give him my all but harry is always in the front of my mind and i hate it.
Harry and i are just childhood friends.

*buzz buzz*
ty: hey you, when can we see eachother next ;)

i read the text and rolled my eyes.

chloe: soon, a lots happened recently i'll let you know okay<3

i hated lying to him about how i feel, it's wrong and i didn't even intend for it to end up this way. But now i can't go back.

i love harry and how everytime he walks into the room my heart melts. I instantly feel safe and happy. No one has every made me feel that way, that's why he is so special to me.

we have our moments, doesn't every friendship?
or even relationship.
but we always come back from them, back even stronger than before. Sounds cliché but it's right.

i try and act like harry's not there but he's always there, even when he actually isn't present. Some nights i lay awake trying to come up with a way of telling him but i never end up with a good enough plan. Even thought i could literally tell him and he would appreciate it so much.

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