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Chloe's POV

waking up and not seeing harry asleep on the sofa felt strange this morning. He needed to apologise to them all anyway so i'm happy for him but it feels super weird.

i looked around at my quiet and empty apartment and sighed. It was a mess, it looks like it hasn't been cleaned in about a year.

'alexa play khalid'
'playing songs by khalid' alexa spoke back.

'coaster' started playing.
I took off my hoodie and began to pick up the dirty glasses and plates that were scattered all over the place.
i felt under the sofa and felt a small bag i knelt down on my knees and took a look.
my jaw dropped, i couldn't believe what i was seeing, holding. I thought i told him to get rid of it all. Fuck sake harry.
i pulled it out from underneath the sofa and sat staring at it.
Maybe he forgot about it, Maybe he didn't realise it was there and that's why it was still under there.

i grabbed my phone and took a picture of it and sent it to harry. I placed my phone back down with the bag of weed beside it, realising he was busy and wouldn't be responding anytime soon.
i carried on cleaning, singing and dancing around trying to distract myself of how quiet it was.

Harry's POV

i woke up this morning in my own bed with no back ache, finally a goods night sleep. I headed to the kitchen to make myself some cereal to find we had none in. I had gotten so used to the cupboards and fridge being so full of food all the time it became a habit to wake up and have breakfast.

'lux, chris, josh(chip), reev, will, baker and us both are going doing a pub crawl today' freezy walked in.

'morning to you to cal' i laughed

'well fuck you then' he smiled and made himself a cup of tea.

'yeah i'm down, can't wait to see the lads' i smiled as i sat down.

once cal and i were both ready it was around 2:30pm so we headed to the first pub. By the time we arrived it was 3pm.

'boggerrrr' chip came and bro hugged me.

'yes laddd' i patted his back.

'nice to see u mate' baker(theo) greeted me as well as the others.

i brought out my phone from my pocket and played the sambuca alarm causing all the boys to yell in unison.

sambuca shots were brought over to our table after waiting about 10 minutes for them.

'3!...2!....1!' freezy counted down and once he reached one we all shotted the bitter liquid down our throats.

i squinted my eyes and shook it off.
'fucking hell' i stuck my tongue out in disgust

'chloe must have turned you into a weak one mate' will laughed

'fuck off' i shoot him a glare

we drank more at the first pub, then the next and the next after that and before we knew it we were at the 5th pub of the day. All completely smashed off of our faces.

'we like to drink with Harry cuz harry is our mate and when we drink with harry he gets it down in 8-7-6-5-4-' they all yelled

'told you lot you wouldn't be able to finish it'
'too quick for you all' i laughed and clapped.

'truth or dare!' will stood up making a fake toast

we all groaned
'we all know how this will turn out' reev shook his head

'ok i'll go first' i held up my hand.

'truth or dare freezy' i looked at him with a smirk on my face.

'truth' he replied

'you boring fucker' chippo spoke up

i looked around at all of them, for some sort of help.

'not gonna lie i was hoping you would choose dare mate' i laughed.

we continued playing the game and i needed to use the bathroom halfway through the game so i got up and headed to the bathroom, slowly, stumbling slightly. After using the toilet i grabbed my phone out of my pocket.


chlo: sent an image 3 hours ago
chlo: wtf??

i leant against the bathroom wall and opened the message. My eyes widened as soon as i realised what it was. That can't be true, i sold it all. Now she's gonna assume some stupid shit.

my fingers began stumbling over the letters and at the end i ended up with a load of jumbled up letters so i decided to call her.

come on chlo answer i spoke to myself

'harry explain' chloe spoke over the phone

'i-i can explain i promise i sold it all i didn't even remember that being t-there' i began slurring my words.

'what?' she asked clearly unsure of what i said

'sold it all- i promise-' i continued

'harry have you been drinking?' she sighed over the phone.

'i have to go' i ended the phone.

'you all good lad?' lux opened the bathroom doors.

'yeah yeah' i smiled and headed back over to the group with lux.

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