twenty six

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'haz!!' i ran into our room and hit him across the face with a pillow.

todays the day we fly to guernsey.
However harry doesn't know, all i've told him is i have a surprise for him and for him to be up and packed by 7am today. But, of course he isnt awake yet and it's 6:15am.

'go away' he mumbled and covered his face.

'no come on' i grabbed hold of his hands and dragged him up and out of bed

'idiot' he groaned.

i looked at him with my arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed

'what?' he looked at me, not impressed.

'you're so ungrateful' i rolled my eyes and left the room to go and finish packing the final bits.

Harry's POV

i love her but jesus it's so early and i can't even be excited because i have no clue where she is taking me, all i know is i have to pack two weeks worth of stuff and that we are flying..which isn't helpful at all. We could be going to the other side of the uk for all i know and she's just booked at flight to be dramatic.

i sat down for 5 minutes to allow myself to wake up a little more and then finished packing.

'oh look who it is!' she ran and hugged me

i smiled
'morning' i whispered and kissed her softly.

'everything packed?'

'yep' i nodded and walked towards my suitcase.

'ta daaaa' i did the jazz hands expression.

a smile formed from ear to ear.

'i love you so much' i blurted out

i covered my mouth once realising how i randomly said it.

she giggled
'come on mr!' she dragged me out of the door and locked the apartment up.

'goodbye for two weeks' she said

'this is going to be the longest two weeks of my life' i said sarcastically and walked towards the elevator.

Chloe's POV

'here' i handed him a sweet to suck on

'i'm not a pussy mate' he looked at my palm which the sweet was placed in and then at me.

i raised my eyebrows
'oh yeah sure you're not mate' i returned his comment.


arriving at our final destination (his family home), i squeezed his hand slightly and got out of the taxi. Harry is blindfolded and had no idea where we are still. The anticipation is killing me, i   can't wait to see how happy he will be.
i take out both of our suitcases from the back of the cab and walk round to harry's side, opening his door i hold onto his hand.

'you ready?'.. he nodded and slowly stepped out of the car, being cautious of his unknown surroundings.

'right follow me' i took both his hands and directed him towards the house.

'woah watch your step haz!' i shouted dramatically

'haha very funny' he shook his head smiling unsure of what is about to happen.

he nodded
'yes ma'am'

i let go of his hand and ran towards the door and knocked. His mum came to the door and greeted me, then his dad, his brother and his sister done their same.

'come on babe' harry whined.

i chuckled looking between him and his family.
quickly i jogged over to him, standing behind him i remove his blindfold slowly.

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