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have you got anyone we can contact sir?' one of the 5 million nurses approached me and my room.

i sighed holding my wound.
'07756578909' i spoke out chloe's number.

'girlfriend?' the nurse smiled slightly, i shook my head bluntly before resting it back.

all i can think about is how chloe will react to this. She won't trust me. Especially after this.

'before she gets here can you explain what happened?' the doctor which's coat read ' physicist' spoke

'just got into an argument with some dumb fuck' i said unintentionally swearing.

'are you sure it wasn't anything more serious?' he continued to question me.

i lifted my head up and rolled my eyes

with that the doctor got up and left.

i felt a hand ontop of mine as i woke up from yet another nap that i had no plan on taking.

'chloe?' i mumbled as i turned my head to face her.
she looked at me, her eyes looking so angry but caring both at the same time.

'i can explain-' i removed my hand from her grip.

'you don't have to explain yourself harry.' she sniffled.
i couldn't quite figure out how she was feeling about me right now.

i looked down at my hands and away from her.
the mixture of expression spread across her face made me overthink the future..our future that i hoped would become.
we sat in silence for a little while before she finally spoke up.

'you can't do this anymore-' she hesitated but continued
'we can't do this anymore'  she sighed

'what do you mean' i looked at her

'harry we both know it isn't any good for us.
it could ruin our future.
you're my best friend and i can't ever risk losing you again so i am willing to stop this.'

'could ruin our future' played through my head as i sat there admiring her face.

i cleared my throat 'you're right' i smiled slightly.

'simon said he wants to come and see u is that okay?' she looked up from her phone.

i looked at her phone and then at her face and shrugged.

'oh come on harry, you boys can't avoid eachother for ever, you literally grew up together' she rolled her eyes and began typing on her phone.

i knew what she was doing and i knew i had to prepare myself for it.
i laid my head back once again and stared at the ceiling.

'just coming to check your blood pressure' a nurse approached me, i nodded.

she wrapped the bloody pressure strap around my upper arm.

'it will get tight.' she spoke
'i know how it goes' i sighed.

the nurse looked at me, taken back.
'so this your girlfriend?' she asked trying to clear the atmosphere

'n-' chloe starting to respond.

'just shut up, don't need to know my business' i snatched my arm away from the nurse once she had removed the strap and groaned.

'haz chill out' chloe gripped onto my hand

i sighed and looked at her. The worry in her face made me feel almost guilty. We held eye contact for at least 2 minutes before we were interrupted.

'simon!' chloe removed her hand and ran over to hug simon.

i grunted and picked up my phone, hoping to not make a conversation.

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