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Harry's POV
it's been a good few weeks, very busy actually.
But that doesn't matter, today is the day chloe and i go on our first date. I've planned it and i know she will love it. Nobody knows about us yet and i don't think anyone will for a while, at least not until we are both comfortable with everyone knowing.

it's 3:30pm and i have just finished getting ready.
my outfit consists of black ripped jeans and a plain white tee with a green tommy hilfigure puffer coat over the top and some white air force with a black tick.

chloe:i'll be leaving in 5 x

with her message i left and headed to the address i had given chloe. Once i had arrived i did a few finishing touches to the area i had set up.

Chloe's POV
i told the uber driver the post code harry had given me and the driver set off.
i looked out of the window almost the whole time trying to figure out if i knew where i was headed.
but nope i had no clue.

i thanked the uber driver and got out.
looking around for harry i couldn't find him.

i looked down at my phone and messaged him.
within a second harry stepped out from behind a bush and held out his hand.
i looked at him confused.

'where are you taking me? you aren't planning my murder yet are you?' i joked and took hold of his hand.

'no not yet' he smiled and lead the way.

'close your eyes miss' he put on a fake deep voice causing me to giggle.

'yes sir' he placed his hand over my eyes and so i closed my eyes.

we walked a few more minutes before he removed his hand from my eyes.

'go on chlo' he laughed.
(*play the song*)
i slowly opened my eyes. I was in awe of the sight infront of me. There was a red plaid picnic blanket laid on the green grass with a few candles lit around the outside of the blanket. Their flames flickering with the slight wind that there was. The sunset made the whole setting perfect.

'aw haz' i ran over and hugged him.

'this is amazing' i smiled and kissed his lips.

he exhaled
'i'm glad you like it' he smiled i walked over to the blanket and sat down.

'did u think i wouldn't?' i sat down beside him and looked out at the sunset that was setting just behind the mountain ahead of us. It was truly stunning.

'you are hard to please' he joked sarcastically.

'ha ha very funny' i rolled my eyes and looked at him. He was looking at the view also. He looked so fucking fit in this lighting. I took a picture of course for the mems.

'i'm glad we both finally know how we truly feel about eachother' he began speaking, his full attention on me now.

'yeah me too, we can finally just fuck all we want without having to imagine it' i giggled

he laughed and shook his head.
'i hate you sometimes'

'i'm sorry, i hate being serious' i smiled innocently. Bringing him closer to me i kissed him and then snuggled into his chest.

we cuddled and chatted for what felt like two minutes even though it had been 2 hours.

'i thought we could make an exception for this date' he held up a bag of weed infront of his face.

i looked at him.
'really harry?' i said disappointed

'what, come on what do we have to lose' he pouted.
i looked at him for a few seconds.

'fineee, give it here' i snatched it out of his hand and began making up a blunt for both of us to share.

'you know it could be our thing to only smoke on dates' he took a drag of the blunt and exhaled whilst speaking.

'only because if i remember correctly you said a while back sex with you when you're high is one of a kind' i flashed a smirk at him.

he handed me it.
'you'll find that out very shortly' he winked and laughed.

we finished the blunt, then had another and another until we were both so high we were just sat on the picnic blanket in the middle of nowhere laughing at tiktoks that weren't even remotely funny.

it was now around 9pm and we were still high as a kite. I was feeling quite hungry but we had already eaten all of the snacks he had brought so we packed up the stuff and got an uber to the nearest big tesco to go and get some snacks.

'you're so slowwww' harry whined at me as we walked over the crossing the entrance doors of tesco.

'pfft shut up fuck face' i laughed
he raised his eyebrows at me, ran towards me and picked me up, piggyback style.

we continued and finally found our way to the crisps and chocolate aisle.

'bounty's?' harry looked at me.

i pulled a disgusted face.

'you vile human' i shook my head and picked up a few things.

altogether we had spent £37.35 on uttershit.
we paid for another uber and headed back to harry's place.

'hey cal' i went and hugged him.

'oh hey chloe, nice to see you' he hugged me back.

'fucking hell thought you both gave up that shit' he continued doing whatever he was doing.

'let's not talk about that' harry looked at cal

'how come you brought chloe back here lad?' callum smirked

i couldn't help but laugh causing them both to look at me.

'what's so funny?' callum asked

harry dragged me up to his room.
His apartment had a loft and so his room was in the loft.

locking the door behind him he pushed me onto his bed and started kissing me, it was like he had been waiting for this to happen, he seemed so eager.
He impatiently took off my dress leaving me in just my black lingerie. He looked at me, jaw slightly ajar.
i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, continuing to kiss him.
he grabbed onto my thigh causing me to moan into the kiss.

'shush' he mumbled.
i looked into his eyes and i found myself getting lost in them.
it was only when harry kissed my lips that brought me out of my day dream.

'you okay chlo?' he asked, i nodded and smiled.. taking the little clothes i had left i gave him permission.

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