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Today is ethan's birthday party, he's had it planned for months but harry and i weren't too sure if we wanted to both make an appearance. Harry has met up and filmed with the boys a few times since he hadn't spoken to them for months and they all seem like nothing had ever happened.
Him and i are doing perfect, still keeping it a secret, it's proving us to be very hard. Sometimes i look at him from across the room and i want to grab his face and kiss him but i'm not sure he is ready for that yet and to be honest i'm not far from being ready but i'm not sure.

The party starts at 6:30 and it's now 4 so i start getting ready with talia.

'i missed us both getting ready together' i looked over at her whilst she was doing her make up.

i had decided on doing a natural make up look so i was already done.

'we definitely need to get all the girls together and go on a girls night soon!' she started up a conversation.

we chatted whilst waiting for her to finally be ready. It's felt like years since we chatted properly like this.

my outfit consisted of a pair of light washed blue mom jeans with a black corset top paired with a black blazer and some clear heels. I looked bomb and i knew i did.

'we look sexy' talia stood infront of the mirror, me stood behind her and she snapped a quick photo of us.

'simon and harry are going to want us so badly-' i said without realising what i had just said.

she turned to face me, eyes wide.

'what did you just say?!' she crossed her arms.

'nothing, let's get going otherwise we'll be late' i said trying to change the topic.

she grabbed my shoulder gently
'no no come on' she raised her eyebrows at me.
we both looked at one another. Her waiting for a response from me.

i rolled my eyes
'okay fine, harry and i have fucked a few times that's all' i smiled and carried on walking towards the front door.

'fucked a few times..yeah whatever' she laughed as she picked up her bag and came to join me.

the party was in a ginormous hall, like it was stupidly big. Considering the party was only supposed to be "close friends", we all know that was a load of bullshit.
by the time the uber came and we started our journey we arrived around about 7:30pm.

'i thought you weren't going to turn up!' ethan came and greeted us both.

'only gorgeous girls turn up late' talia laughed and went to find simon.

'here' ethan handed me a drink

'already on the drinks i see' i winked

'of course i am' he laughed and dragged me to where the main party was.

'jesus what happened to close friends only' i raised my voice over the loud music and chatter of everyone else.

'fuck it aye' he smiled and went and sat with the boys.

the sidemen and most of their girls were there, it would be too awkward for me to just go and join them. I don't fancy third wheeling or fourth or whatever. So i walk around the party trying to find someone i know, after not having any success i grabbed another drink and headed outside for some fresh air.

as i stepped outside my shoulder was tapped.
i jumped slightly before turning around and finding a fine looking blonde haired man stood infront of me.

'hey you' i smiled and continued walking around the side of the building, away from the security guards and people arriving.

'Ethan was right, you do look hot' he smirked.
i looked at him and shook my head.

'only ethan would say that' i laughed
harry pulled me in for a kiss and to which i gave him a very quick one.

'stop teasing me' he groaned

'secrets are supposed to stay secrets haz' i smiled and took a sip of my drink.

i held out my phone to harry. He looked at my phone and then back at me.

'come on got to get those picture' i smiled sarcastically and posed up against the wall ready for him to take a few photos.

i saw the flash on his face and heard a few clicks before he hands me back my phone. I scroll through and pick out the best ones.

'i think i'm a good photographer if i do say so myself' he winks before walking back inside.

'i think i'm a good photographer if i do say so myself' he winks before walking back inside

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Chloesinsta: only gorgeous girls show up late👯‍♀️🥂

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i uploaded the best photo onto instagram and headed back inside.

i decided to go over and join the boys.
approaching the group i went and sat inbetween talia and freya.

'look who finally decided to join us' josh clapped his hands.

i laughed
'shut up, you know i had to go and meet everyone else first' i smiled jokingly

'yeah yeah whatever' he rolled his eyes.
i looked at josh who was looking at freya smiling.
god their love for eachother is so pure, i honestly dream of having that kind of relationship.

everyone as a group conversates for like 35 minutes before ethan decided on shots and karaoke. Everyone but Simon and vik agreed to do the karaoke and shots. They both drove here and weren't intending on getting smashed so they were staying sober.

'Three! Two! One!' ethan shouts and we all throw back our shots. Some taking it badly and squinting their eyes and others such as harry firming it which was no surprise.

'you're such an alchy' i shout over at harry causing everyone to laugh but look between us both confused.

'what you all looking at' i looked between them all.

none of them replied so the drunk me decided to get up and do some karaoke. I was singing alone at first but talia and freya came to join once 'Call me maybe' came on.

'Hey i just met you!' i shouted more than sung whilst looking towards harry.

'and this is crazyyyy' talia sung proudly knowing she could sing well

'but here's my number' freya chimes in also

'So call me maybe!' we all sang together whilst dancing around and laughing.

everyone started cheering as we all walked off the stage not finishing the song. Most of the group and the others were up dancing on the floor by now. Everyone was at least tipsy and probably wouldn't even remember what i was about to do.

i walked over towards harry who was dancing on his own and wrapped my arms around him, i pulled him close enough so that i could kiss him.
He hesitated but eventually began kissing back. He wrapped his arm around my waist holding me close whilst we kissed for long. The music became a mumble, so did the eyes of everyone here.

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