Chapter 25

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(Kakashi POV)
Kakashi had been in the hospital for the past 2 days due to the fact that his injury from the lightning jutsu hadn't completely healed. There was still a large electric burn on Kakashi's chest. The burn itself didn't hurt much, but it severely limited his movement. At this point Kakashi was sick and bored of being stuck in the hospital ready to go home.

Kakashi had been prodded and poked with needles, IVs and other medical equipment over the past few days. On top of this Kakashi hadn't gotten much sleep due to the lumpy mattress.

Besides the bad food and lack of sleep Kakashi had never been a fan of hospitals they always brought up bad memories.

He had been visited by Minato, Kushina Obito, his students and a few others among them Guy who tried to challenge Kakashi to a competition. Kakashi smiled to himself thinking back to it. It had taken nearly all of the male staff of the hospital to drag Guy out as he was screaming that the power of youth would heal Kakashi  and that all he needed to do is compete in the competition.

A knocking at the door broke Kakashi out his thoughts. "Come in." Kakashi said.

The door opened and Rin entered the room and sat down in a chair next to Kakashi's bed.

Kakashi could immediately tell that something was bothering Rin as he took in her appearance. The bags under her eyes and disheveled hair were indicators that she hadn't been sleeping well. Another thing that was a dead giveaway that something was wrong with Rin was that her trademark purple face paint was missing.

"How are you doing Kashi?" Rin asked.

"Other than the lumpy mattress and bland food, I can't complain." Kakashi said smiling.

Rin couldn't help, but laugh at Kakashi's sense of humor.

Kakashi's face then turned serious. "Rin are you ok?" Kakashi asked.

Something flashed in Rin's eyes Kakashi couldn't decipher, but he knew the emotion in her eyes was something close to fear before Rin forced a smile and tried to convince him.

Rin didn't want to tell him that she had been horrified with herself that she had killed the two enemy ANBU. Rin didn't want to burden Kakashi anymore she had already put Kakashi through so much after she made him take her life. Kakashi would probably thought that it was silly that a shinobi would be this upset about taking a life, that's what they were supposed to do. He had killed so many shinobi that he would probably laugh and scoff that she was making a big deal out of nothing.

"Oh yeah I'm fine Kakashi, why do you ask?" Rin asked.

"You're just missing your face paint." Kakashi said running his fingers down her cheeks where her face paint should have been.

Rin gave a cry that sounded that like a yelp and jumped backwards out of her chair running to look at her reflection in a mirror on the other side of the room. Rin ran her fingers down her cheeks where the face paint was absent. Rin couldn't help but feel embarrassed she had walked around the village without it on. Her face paint was her safety blanket much like Kakashi's mask was for him.

Kakashi looked over at Rin who was frantically looking at herself in the mirror while feeling where her face paint should be. "Rin calm down it doesn't matter if you have your face paint or not you still look beautiful either way." Kakashi said.

Warmth spread throughout Rin's entire body and Rin couldn't help, but blush. The man she has had a crush on since they've been young and rediscovered feelings for had just called her beautiful. Rin dropped her head so that Kakashi wouldn't see her red face in the mirror's reflection.

The Return - Kakashi x Rin Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant