Chapter 29

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Naruto knew something was going on when Kushina had ordered him to go to his room and not leave under any circumstances. He had begun to protest, but he could feel her anger growing so he went to his room.

Naruto watched the door waiting for it to open and to get some answers. "They better have a good reason for sticking me in my room without any explanation." Naruto thought to himself.

The moment Naruto had been waiting for finally happened when the door opened and his parents entered.

"So what's going on?" Naruto asked as he rose to his feet. Naruto looking back and forward between his parents expecting an answer.

"Naruto take a seat." Kushina said. Naruto looked at them confused, but did so when Minato gave him a nod to tell him to listen to his mother.

Naruto did as he was told still looking at his parents for an explanation.

"Kakashi showed up at our door beaten up, he claimed that you guys were able to get the best of him during training. Does that sound right to you?" Kushina asked crossing her arms eyebrow raised looking at him.

"Y-yeah that's what happened." Naruto stuttered out nervously knowing that if Kakashi wasn't telling his parents the truth that he had a good reason to withhold the truth from them.

Both of his parents picked up the stutter and nervousness in his voice. They shared a quick glance with each other letting the other know that they were aware Naruto was lying. "Naruto you wouldn't be lying to us to cover up for Kakashi would you?" Kushina asked anger becoming more evident in voice as her hair starting to rise in the air.

"N-nno o-of c-course not." Naruto said shakily. His eyes nervously looking between his parents to see if they believed him.

"Naruto you better tell us the truth because we both know you're lying!" Kushina yelled at Naruto tired of him lying to them.

"And you." Kushina said turning on her heel towards Minato pointing a finger at him. "Help me discipline him, I can't be the only one." Kushina yelled exploding at her husband.

Minato held his hands out in front of him in a protective and defeated gesture. "Naruto your mother is right, we need to know the truth. What happened to Kakashi?" Minato asked.

Naruto sighed knowing that his parents were right. "Kakashi - Sensei and Obito got into a fight." Naruto confessed.

"A fight?" Minato asked his face becoming one of concern. His thought was that the fight had to do with Rin. He glanced back at Kushina and knew that she was thinking the same thing as him.

"Well it was more like a spar, but Obito was going all out like he was trying to hurt Kakashi - Sensei." Naruto explained.

Minato and Kushina shared a look again. This time Naruto took notice. "Why are you two glancing at each other?" Naruto asked becoming annoyed that his parents were keeping something from him and keeping him in the dark.

"We need to talk to Kakashi." Minato said as he and Kushina headed for the door ignoring Naruto's question.

"Wait what about me?" Naruto asked angrily as he stood up looking at his parents.

"Please Naruto calm down, we'll let you know what's going on when we know what's going on." Minato said as they left the room.

Naruto sighed defeatedly as he sat down back on his bed.
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"Rin are you sure you're ready." Kurenai asked as she stood with Rin outside the apartment that Kakashi and Rin's shared.

"I live here too Kurenai and I can't run from Kakashi for my entire life." Rin answered trying her best to sound strong outwardly while internally she was doing everything in her power not to freak out.

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