Chapter 45

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Obito lounged on his bed as he watched Kakashi pace around the room mumbling to himself. "Stupid prince making us go to this room." He muttered more curses as he continued to pace. Kakashi threw a kunai at a picture of the prince, breaking the glass of the frame. 

"Ok it's about time that I stop this before he breaks more things." Obito thought as he stood up and made his way over to Kakashi. "Ok Kakashi maybe you should stop breaking the things that belong to the prince." He said taking Kakashi's ninja weapons away from him. 

Kakashi surprisingly didn't put up a fight and just flopped down on his bed. Obito looked over at Kakashi expecting an answer. Kakashi looked over at Obito to see him staring at him with a questioning look, he sighed as he opened up. "I don't like the way that prince was looking at Rin, he was lusting after her!" He said shooting up from the bed, anger present in his eyes. 

Obito involuntarily took a step back due to Kakashi's intense reaction. "I understand that Kakashi, I'm angry with how he was looking at her too. But you seem to be extra angry." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk growing on his face. 

Kakashi glared at him causing Obito to shrink under it. Kakashi made his way towards the door to leave and punch a hole in the way before he slammed the door. Obito groaned putting his head in his hands. 

- - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rin was awoken by the light shining through the window. She groggily looked around the room taking in her surroundings, at first unsure of where she was. Then she remembered the mission that they were on. 

Before she could gather herself, a knock was heard on the door and a voice accompanied it. "Rin are you awake?" 

It took her a moment to recognize the voice as she shook the sleep from herself. "Yes I am, you can come in." She replied.

Kakashi entered the room looking like he hadn't slept much and took a seat on the edge of her bed. "How are you holding up in here?" Kakashi asked. 

"I'm doing fine, it's nice to be on a mission and get a break from Obito's sleep talking." Rin said. 

Kakashi cringed as Rin said this as Rin smiled. "It was that bad?" She asked. 

"He talked all night." Kakashi complained rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. 

Rin giggled again. "If it was going to be that bad, you should have just asked to stay here with me." She said giving him a flirtatious wink. 

Luckily his mask covered up the blush that was evident across his face. He recovered quickly and responded back. "I might have to take you up on that offer tonight." He said as he leaned towards Rin. Now the blush was very obvious on her face. 

Both of them leaned towards each other and kissed. Kakashi put his hands on her cheeks as she put her arms around his waist as they both leaned deeper into the kiss. They broke from the kiss and stared at each other in awe. "Wow." Rin mustered as she looked at Kakashi in awe. 

"Yeah." Kakashi agreed as he looked at her.A comfortable silence settled over them as they can continued to look at each other and held hands. "Kakashi there's something that I need to tell you." Rin said. 

"Yes Rin?" Kakashi asked looking at her. "I just want to let you know that I've liked you for a long time ever since we were young and I completely understand that you may not -." Rin was saying before Kakashi kissed her again cutting her off. 

Rin was surprised at first before settling into the kiss. They broke from the kiss. "Does that answer your question?" Kakashi asked. Rin could only nod in response. 

Kakashi laid down on the bed with Rin laying next to him with her head on his chest. 

Unknown to either of them Genko was watching the two of them through the open crack of the door. He was clenching his teeth angrily with his fists balled in anger. "How dare he take her from me. He will pay!" He thought to himself before walking down the hall plotting his revenge. 

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