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The Sanctum looked exactly like it did in your reality. It's huge build loomed over you, looking as mystical as ever.

Peter had sorted out the clothes situation by quickly hobbling into a charity shop and buying the first thing he saw.

He had handed you a hoody and some jeans which you pulled over your suit, stuffing your mask into your pocket.

You were glad that you ended up in a reality similar to yours and not one that was completely bonkers. This one even had a McDonalds which was a massive bonus to you.

The doors to the Sanctum swung open, revealing the familiar staircase and marble floors.

You half expected to see Dr Strange appear but she probably didn't exist in this universe.

"MJ and Ned are downstairs in the basement." Peter Parker explained before pausing and asking curiously, "Wait.. do they exist in your reality?"

You shrug, "Not as far as I know."

Peter had explained the situation he was in on the way to the building and you couldn't help but feel bad for him.

The boy had put everything on the line to save the world from Mysterio only to have his identity revealed to everyone, making him become the most famous person in the world.

He explained how he couldn't go anywhere without people yelling his name or staring at the very least.

He then told you that he went to Dr Strange to fix his problem. He clearly did have the same sorcerer supreme in this world. Apparently, Peter accidentally made the Doctor mess up his spell, making it spiral out of control and bring a ton of supervillains to the world.

"Dr Strange says it's only brought people who know Peter Parker as Spider-Man so that's actually brought the worst out of them which is annoying and just a pain to be honest.." He had said.

"I can imagine." You replied, empathising with him.

The two of you walk down some stairs and Peter opens a door revealing a part of the Sanctum that you'd never seen before.

It looked like a musty basement filled with the most random things from magical crossbows to washing powder.

"Peter!" You hear a familiar voice exclaim and rush towards your new friend, "We've geared up your suit for the forest-" He pauses, glancing at you nervously.

"Oh! You're Ned!" You point at him interrupting the conversation, proud that you figured things out, "And that must be MJ!"

You look over to the corner to the quiet girl who was staring at the floor. She looked quiet pretty actually.

You give her a friendly smile before realising that both Ned and MJ were staring at you worriedly.

"Peter.." Ned whispers, "Are you going to lock her up?"

"Excuse me?" You glare at Peter, feeling betrayed.

Was this his plan all along? To lock you up like he was doing with the villains?

"Oh yeah," Peter remembers, "I forgot to tell you. This is Y/n and she's not a threat to us so we don't need to lock her up. She's actually Spider-Man in another universe."

"That's sooo cool!" Ned says, his eyes widening,  "A female Spider-Man! Wouldn't that be Spider-Woman actually?"

"Ned," MJ rolls her eyes but still smiles, "You literally told me that you saw her suit this morning."

"Yeah but she could've been evil or something...Like a fake Spider-Man...I don't know...You have to be careful these days."

You all laugh but you were mostly just happy that you had some idea of what was going on.

Although there was still a lot that you were yet to discover...

A/n: Sorry if I mess up the timeline on this because I'm only going off what I remember from watching the film yesterday lmao. Correct me if I'm wrong lol

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