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MJ and Ned lead Peter, Peter and you down the road.

You were grateful that it was dark out, it would look stupid seeing three spider-men casually walking down the street. Especially since Spider-Man here was sort of supposed to be in jail.

"You know what," The older one of the Spider-Men suggests, "I think I'm just going to swing."

"Good idea." The other says, slowly pulling on his mask.

You decide to join the two of them and in no time you'd arrived at the building.

It wasn't special like the other Peters', it was just a simple building with a nice view of Queens.

You quite liked it, I mean, it was better than yours.

MJ and Ned weren't far behind you.

They told you to wait around the back of the roof whilst they talked to Peter first since he might be really broken.

MJ and Ned said that when they walked by a TV, they'd noticed that one of the bodies belonged to Peter's aunt meaning that Peter must be tearing apart inside.

"No way.." The younger of the two Peter's muttered.

It was going to get a whole lot more confusing when they met the other Peter and you'd have three to confuse with each other.

I mean, to say they were the same person, they were all quite different. The only problem was that they all had the exact same name.

"You know, maybe you should sort something out so we know which Peter is which." You say, chatting to the others as you waited for the clear from MJ so that you could come out, "Like have Peter 1, Peter 2 and Peter 3."

The others didn't respond, mainly because they were too busy revealing themselves to Peter from this universe.

You follow them out from behind the dome, shocked at what you saw.

The Peter who you'd got to know quite well over the past few days had cuts and bruises scattered across his body. His eyebrow was slit and his eyes were bloodshot. His face was stricken with tears and you guessed that his ankle was broken or twisted at the very least.

Peter held onto MJ, not letting her go. She was his only person left at this point. Her and Ned. Only two people loved him now.

"We've brought help." MJ says, pulling away and revealing Peter, Peter and you.

You did feel slightly out of place amongst the Peter's but you just brush it off, knowing that there was no point dwelling on it.

"Hey." The younger Peter said casually before realising he probably needed to be polite to the guy who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The Peter from this universe gulped, quickly figuring things out about who these random guys were.

"We've lost family too, you know." The older Peter says, crouching down on the roof.

"Uncle Ben." The other one adds, gulping slightly.

"Don't even try to tell me that you know what I'm going through." The Peter from this reality spits, filled with rage, "May died for nothing. NOTHING."

"Ben died for nothing too." The older one said, "The amount of rage I felt towards his killer was so strong that I wanted to kill him. And I got what I wanted. It didn't make me feel any better though."

"I want to kill him," Peter argues, "I want to kill the goblin. He deserves it after what he's done."

""I.. err.. I lost Gwen too. She was my MJ," The younger one adds, swallowing his sobs, "After she died, I was filled with rage. I got sloppy, I messed up. I was no longer the Peter Parker everyone knew. It was.. It.. I don't know. I just don't want you to make the same mistake that we've done."

"I think you should carry on with what May was so keen on." You said, referencing curing the villains hoping that it wasn't too soon.

"Yeah.. and..well... I'm not sure if he said this to you but Uncle Ben... before he died... his last words were some advice. He said that with great pow-" One of the Spider-Men started but the beaten up Peter finished it.

"Aunt May said that before she died too," He adds, "With great power comes great responsibility."

"Maybe her death wasn't for nothing after all." You add.

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