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Peter 1 didn't hesitate at all.

He just walked straight up to you and pulled you into a hug.

"I can't thank you enough," He says, pulling away after three seconds and giving you a teary eyed grin, "You've been there from the start and er.. well.. you've made me realise that I don't always have to fight on my own."

"Thank you for helping me and just thank you for exsisting. You're a truly inspirational Spider-Man." You reply, hoping that you sounded polite.

"Am I inspirational too?" You hear Peter 3 ask jokingly.

"Fuck off." You reply, turning around and pulling him into an embrace.

"Good to meet you," Peter 3 says, it seemed that hugging someone again and holding onto another version of himself were a little hard to do at once.

"Oh, erm, Peter," You say pulling away, "There was something I've been meaning to ask you."

"What?" He asked, looking cautious.

"You know the Gwen from your universe," You begin, trying to stay calm so that Peter 3 wouldn't start crying or something, "Was she called Gwen Stacy?"

"Yes why?" Peter 3 asks, tears were forming in his eyes and he looked as if he was about to break down any minute.

Perhaps this wasn't a good idea.

Oh well, you had to go through with it now.

"She exists in my universe, she's blonde, sassy and quite annoying," You continue, "Is that like your Gwen?"

"Sorta," He says, laughing a little as he wiped his nose, "Do you recon I could meet her? Cuz you said before that I looked exactly like the Peter from your universe so she probably is the same."

"Well, I hate to break it to you Pete, but uh.. she's gay." You admit, looking down.

"Oh," Peter says, looking away from you.

"Yeah." It had suddenly got awkward.

"Bye then," He says, trying to smile but failing.

"Bye, and err.. sorry." You reply.

The one thing that every single Spider-Man was good at being regardless of their age, gender, race or sexuality was that you were all extremely and annoyingly awkward.


Without warning, Peter 2 pulls you into a hug.

"Nice to meet you," He says, "I hope we see you again soon,"

You smile back at him as he limps back into Peter 3's arms.

You then move onto Ned who was currently sat with Dr Strange's cloak toying on his shoulders.

"You're magic now huh" You say, shooting him  a grin.

"Yeah check this out." He smiled back in pride, creating a portal and sticking his arm through it.

You raise your eyebrows before realising another portal had magicked itself in front of you and Ned's arm was sticking out of it.

"Oh I gotcha," You say, realising and giving him a fist bump.

You barely had time to say bye to Ned since MJ tackled you into a hug.

"Stay safe and stay sane." MJ said, resting her head on your shoulder.

"I'll try," You murmur, listening to the three Peters' conversation.

"Spider bros on three?" You hear Peter 3 suggest, putting his arm out in the circle, "You too Y/n." He says, noticing you staring, "Before Peter 1 gets mad that you're stealing his girl."

"Hey!" Peter 1 says, hitting Peter 3 lightly.

"I'm not gonna do it." Peter 2 says, staring at Peter 3's hand in disgust.

You put yours on top, joining the pile

"I will not go back to my universe until you do it." Peter 3 says, smiling as Peter 1 places his hand on top of yours.

"Just do it." Peter 1 says, rolling his eyes at Peter 3's naivety and Peter 2's stubbornness.

Eventually you all pile in but Peter 3 was the only one who said Spider-Bros.

"Seriously guys?" He raises his eyebrows jokingly.

"You really do have the mind of a ten year old," You admit before glancing at your hands.

They felt strange, as if they were vanishing.

Oh shit they were.

You stare in awe as you slowly become transparent.

Nausea creeps up your throat as your head went light and your consciousness began to drift away.

"See you later Spider-Woman." You hear one of the Peters say, probably Peter 3 because he's annoying.

And that was the last you heard of that universe.

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