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You waited awkwardly with MJ and Ned whilst Peter and Stephen fought in another dimension.

"We can't help him in any way can we?" You ask, pacing back and forth.

"Doubt it," MJ says, "Unless you know how to magic a portal."

You sigh, you felt completely useless.

Suddenly, a portal lit up the dark basement.

Peter had returned.

He ran through, the magical gate closing behind him, leaving a weird mirror looking dimension.

"You aren't gonna believe it." Peter said out of breath, "I had a fight with Doctor Strange and I actually kind of won. I got his weird ring thing and the box."

The three of you run towards your friend.

"MJ, take this box. If anything goes wrong press this button and that'll stop the spell and send everyone back." He informs her.

"And Ned," He slipped the sling-ring onto his hand making Ned's eyes light up in wonder.

"Where are you going?" You ask him.

"I'm going to help cure these villains, make them better. It's either that or they die so they don't really have a choice." Peter says, shrugging.

"Alright let's go." MJ says, standing up and going to fetch her coat.

"Err.. no." Peter says awkwardly, "I don't think you and Ned should come."

"Why?" MJ says, slightly offended, "I thought we were a team."

"We are.. its just.. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if either of you got hurt and I know you want to help but it'd just be better for everyone if you stayed here." He speaks quickly as if he was nervous.

"It's fine." MJ says, pulling him into a close hug.

Peter hugged Ned too.

"We'll go to my house," Ned says to MJ, "Lola won't mind."

"Alright," MJ says, continuing to put her coat on, "See you."

Peter waved awkwardly and smiled as she left, those two made a great couple you had to admit.

After a while, Peter convinced the Villains to hop in his aunts van and travel to Happy's house.

In your universe, Happy was a friend of Mr Stark so you just assumed that he was the same in this one.

You arrived at his house and noticed the security was crazy. The door had at least four locks on it and there was even a camera at his entrance.

"He must be paranoid." You whisper as you walk by.

"What are we even supposed to do here? Make a burrito or something?" Max asks, running his hand across the wall.

The lights flickered slightly. You knew it was his doing.

"I wouldn't mind a snack actually." Norman admits, he was fiddling with a robot that was stuck to the table.

"How much stuff did Happy steal from Tony?" You joke, looking to Peter.

"Actually, he stole the perfect thing for what we're doing." Peter admits, walking over to a box.

"The fabricator." Peter whips a sheet of paper off a machine, "It basically shows you what something is made of and well does everything I guess."

"Woah," You say, eying up the technology. You'd always been good at working with machines. In fact, you were good at most things to do with science.

"Who should we fix first?" You ask, looking to Peter with wide eyes.

"Hmm." He answered. This was going to be a lot of fun.

A/n: Which Spider-Man is your favourite? I think Andrew Garfield is the best and honestly I don't think there's any question about it lmao. And I could argue about why for hours

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