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You and Peter worked together quite well and within thirty minutes you had figured out what the cause of Doctor Octavius' villainy was.

"The chip that stopped the AI from taking over his brain is fried, if we just replace it then that's an easy cure." Peter tells you, zooming in on a picture of a chip.

You observe the design, picking out the right metals from the fabricator and putting together the pieces you'd need to replicate the design.

"You two are quite impressive." Norman says, eating a sandwich and walking by, "But I think that the capacitor needs to go there to avoid it overheating and breaking the resistor."

"I knew that," You mutter bitterly, it always felt off when he was around you but knowing the man meant no harm, you quickly apologised.

"It's alright," He answers as you slowly build the microchip.

"Woah, it's actually working!" Peter says, putting the last piece in with a satisfying electronically zap.

"Well, if you two ever need a job and you don't mind travelling across multiple dimensions for it, there will be one for you at Oscorp." Norman adds before walking away.

"Doc!" You yell, he was talking to Peter's aunt, "The chip's pretty much ready!"

Peter walked out behind you and into the living room where all the villains were waiting.

The sandman had left loads of sand on the floor which made you feel bad for the cleaners.

Max was staring at a box beside the fabricator, his fingers twitching as if he was itching to use his electronic powers.

Norman was just finishing his food and Dr Connors, more commonly known as the lizard had decided to wait in the car.

I mean you didn't really mind, it was probably better without a giant lizard trashing the place.

"Alright Doc, I'm just going to put this chip in your neck." Peter tells him.

He was reluctant at first but eventually he gave up, still flinching when Peter put it in.

Suddenly, Doc Ock's body went limp.

The only things holding him up were the mechanical tentacles that Peter had connected to his suit somehow. You suspect nanotechnology was involved.

"Doc?" Peter asks, tapping his face.

You felt worried, knowing that if he didn't wake up you would've failed and all the villains would turn against you, Peter and May, putting you into mortal danger.

Suddenly, the man straightened up, making everyone gasp.

"I'm back." He said, grinning for the first time you'd seen him, "I can't believe it, I'm back."

Norman started clapping and the other villains joined in too.

You had cured one, that left four to go.

"The voices in my head.. I can't hear them anymore." Doc Ock says, "It's nice. All these years I forgot what it felt like."

You quickly escape to the lab, you only had limited time before Doctor Strange found you and stopped you.

Peter did his share of welcoming him back and being friendly before joining you in the lab where you'd decided to work on Norman's antiserum.

It was a lot harder to work on than Doc Ock's chip because it involved biological chemicals and gene splicing which was much more of a risky business than cyborgs ever were.

However, you were smart enough to work out something although you hadn't quite finished it by the time Peter started to feel nauseous.

"What's up?" You say, but Peter ignored you.

He just kept walking out into the living room, looking almost like a zombie.

Different voices whispered and screamed his name but he didn't process them, shooting one web at the window.

The web caught Norman Osborn's hand.

The old man turned around slowly and menacingly. That was when you noticed his eyes. The evil was dominant again.

"Your senses are really something, aren't they." He says, a ghoulish grin spreading across his face like a disease.

A/n: Happy New Year :)

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